Why variable transformer?

Author: Cosmo Electricals

Today, we live in the world where technology is all around us. And there are innumerable benefits of which we can take. But, do you know how high-voltage power comes from the main supply to the circuits of your building? It's because of a transformer. Yes, it is a device that supplies power from one circuit to another through electromagnetic induction. Based on varied requirement there are various types of transformers. And out of that variable auto transformer is the best.

Now what is variable transformer?

A variable autotransformer is a single-coil transformer in which two portions of the same coil are used as the primary and the secondary. Variable autotransformers are used for the same purposes as regular transformers, but handle lower voltages.

It’s used for:

  • These types of transformers can be used to speed up and slow down electric motors, make lights brighter or dimmer or to simulate specific conditions so that various testing procedures can be carried out.
  • a href="http://www.submersibleflatcable.com/">Variable transformers
can be utilized to change the voltage on a circuit to such fine degrees is particularly useful. This also allows people to conduct testes to lower voltage or easily increase that voltage to above levels.

  • Variable transformers are not use as an isolating device. They however are found in numerous different devices where separation from a source voltage is not as much a concern as providing control over the amount of voltage that is provided to a load.

Advantages of using variable transformer:

  1. Its efficiency is more when compared with any other transformer.
  2. Its size is relatively very smaller.
  3. Voltage regulation of variable transformer is much better.
  4. Lower cost and highly beneficial.
  5. Low requirements of excitation current.
  6. Less copper is used in its design and construction
  7. In conventional transformer the voltage step up or step down value is fixed while in variable transformer, we can vary the output voltage as per out requirements and can smoothly increase or decrease its value as per our requirement.

If you are looking variable transformer then automation electric company is the leading one in the market. It is well known for Variable Transformers that offer the accurate, reliable and long lasting voltage control. And it has:

  • Assured quality
  • Easy accessibility
  • World class proven track

So it’s the widest and most comprehensive choice for one who wants to buy it.