Building iOS App for Your Business: Mind These Time-Tested Tips

Author: Juned Ghanchi

Apple iOS is still the leading platform in the mobile app world. This is primarily because of the use revenue potential, popularity among the high net worth customers, leadership in technology and utmost sophistication in respect of the design. All these together made Apple and its operating platform, iOS the hallmark of quality. iOS apps account for the largest volume of business which is far ahead of other mobile platforms. Naturally, a business considers it important to build a mobile app for iOS platform. Beside iPhone and iPad the recent popularity of Apple Watch and emergence of Apple TV as the new promising digital entertainment platform are iOS device ecosystem has become wider and promising than ever. Can your business miss this opportunity of reaching such a gigantic audience spread across so many sophisticated devices? No, it cannot and this is why reading these important tips about iOS app development can really be helpful.

  • Think design when thinking iOS

The sophistication of iOS as a platform primarily refers to the sophistication and elegance in design. Yes all Apple products are extremely elegant in design and offer path-breaking clutter free and easy to access look and feel. So you need to think design when building an app for Apple iOS platform. Let us offer here a few important tips.

  1. Even within the Apple iOS ecosystem, there are different devices with different screens sizes and resolution. So ensure making the design layout adaptive to various Apple device screens.
  2. When using the typeface for the Apple iOS apps you should try to make it look clutter free and clean. The San Francisco font offered by the apple is a good choice since it is developed by the company itself.
  3. 3D Touch the new attribute should be utilized to allow the optimum ease of use and flexibility for on-screen actions.
  4. Make it sure that the app icon quickly and smoothly refers to the business and fit multiple screens including the tiny screen of Apple Watch.
  5. Lastly, the design should be crisp lightweight and clutter free. The design should not hinder the speed of the app.
  6. It is advisable to design the app screens one by one to ensure optimizing each screen separately.
  • Go cross platform without sacrificing the native

There is nothing like dedicated native app development. Especially when you build the app for the iOS platform separately you can ensure optimizing various elements that are needed to boost its presence in the app store. But most businesses just cannot afford native app building for separate platforms. Well, you can easily circumvent this issue by going with the right development tool for cross-platform app development. When it comes to clock cross-platform development Xamarin is a great choice for ensuring the native look and feel with a cross-platform development approach.

  1. Thanks to the shared code base of Xamarin you can create native look and feel while creating multiple app versions for different platforms.
  2. For businesses are getting multiple mobile platforms cross-platform development is the way to go just because of the cost advantage and saving of development time.
  3. With the access to different device application programming interfaces (APIs), Xamarin cross-platform development can easily ensure native functionalities for iOS and others.
  • Command over Swift

Till date for the past majority of Apple iOS apps, Objective-C is the most commonly used programming language. But ever since the new programming language from Apple named Swift has been launched a few years before developers are increasingly opting for this new language instead of Objective-C. Swift is considered to be more innovation-friendly intuitive and easy to deliver outstanding user experience. Naturally, for building a new Apple iOS app, the command over Swift is a basic prerequisite. Let us have a look at the key advantages of Swift.

  1. Swift is innovative because it offers the best of all the programming languages used earlier for mobile app development.
  2. It offers exceptional ease of use and the ability to rectify mistakes and errors faster than all other languages.
  3. Swift can ensure all the standout features of earlier languages and a lot more than that.

    When it comes to developing an app with minimum experience and average expertise Swift comes to help.

  4. It uses simple syntax and is easy to learn.
  5. Swift is a high-speed programming language and I love was robust compatibility for the latest hardware.
  • Follow the App Store Guidelines Strictly

Finally, for a business building iOS app, it is extremely important to ensure passing through the street Apple App Store submission guidelines. When it comes to quality Apple has a non compromising attitude for App Store submission. Flawless performance and sophisticated glitch free design you need to ensure to make your app feature in the App Store. In fact, the strict quality process made the Apple iOS platform so confident and sought after by the businesses for rolling their new mobile apps.

  1. First of all, before submitting the app for the App Store ensures that it is bug-free and does not create any performance issue.
  2. Before submitting the final app you can always submit a beta version by following the TestFlight Beta Testing guidelines.
  3. Just because Apple takes backup of all the data submitted through the app it cannot exceed the size limit of 100 MB.
  4. The naming convention requires the app to use a unique name.
  5. In the case of push notification, the particular app should ensure that it takes permission from the user.
  6. Maintaining optimum speed with a crisp user experience is important for your app to get the nod of Apple authorities.

To conclude developing a business app for Apple iOS platform involves the challenge of perfection. From the design element to the app features to the functional ease to the business need of having a cross-platform development approach, you need to put all these things together to make your mobile app get through the App Store submission requirements and user engagement that you are looking for.