Is Your Firm Taking The Comprehensive Approach To Wi-Fi Security That It Should Be?

Author: Liz Seyi

There’s no question that Wi-Fi technology has had a dramatically positive effect on the connectivity of our world. The simple ability to gain access to the Internet or even the corporate network in the absence of a physical network connection has brought remarkable convenience to many people’s lives as well as, of course, to many businesses operations.

However, it is the very wireless nature of Wi-Fi that can also make it vulnerable to security breaches potentially causing great damage to your organisation.

So, what can be done to boost Wi-Fi security?

For the average home user, such practices as setting up a suitably en-tropic pre-shared key and disabling superfluous services such as Wi-Fi Protected Setup may be more than sufficient for warding off the vast majority of obvious threats in relation to Wi-Fi.

However, many of the greatest vulnerabilities to organisations trying to maintain the robustness of their Wi-Fi security are far from obvious or easy to close, which is where the right Penetration Testing can play a central role.

We know a thing or two about penetration testing here at Sec-Tec – we perform more than 100 bespoke assessments a year for clients of all types, and we have an up-to-date appreciation of the latest Wi-Fi vulnerabilities of which today’s organisations, businesses and departments need to be aware.

We test for a vast range of threats

Did you know that if your organization provides an un encrypted "guest" Wi-Fi network for the purposes of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and corporate guest Internet access, there are various potential risks? These include network sniffing and man-in-the-middle attacks in the event of the inadequate implementation of host isolation, as well as risks arising from older devices simultaneously bridging unencrypted guest Wi-Fi connections and wired networks.

Weak encryption keys can also be a major problem, with many organisations wrongly presuming newer WPA/WPA2 PSK (Pre-shared Key) encryption algorithms to be immune from all attacks.

We are also experts in identifying the potential for ‘evil twin’ attacks, which involve the introduction of a malicious access point advertising a legitimate network name in order to fool devices into connecting to it. Should such a connection be achieved, various types of attacks can be attempted, including the presentation to users of a fake web portal in an attempt to obtain their domain credentials.

Contact us now about our penetration testing know-how

While we could cite all manner of other potential dangers to the security of your organisation’s Wi-Fi, ultimately, the only way to be sure in the case of your own firm is to carry out the most appropriate testing. Get in touch with the Sec-Tec team now, and we will be able to discuss in more detail the many ways in which the right Wi-Fi penetration testing could benefit your company.