Parents should careful as touchscreen for toddlers are shifting sleep

Author: Saam Smith

The children who spend more time on the touch screen electronics playing games or watching videos on the tablets are more likely to get less sleep according to the new research conducted on the toddlers.

The researchers made questions to the 715 parents of the children about the usage of the electronics activity of their children and their sleep and added that parents should need to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of the usage of the electronics.

The study reports claim that every time children play with the touchscreen for an hour losses the sleep of 15 minutes – there is an explosion of touch devices at home but the impact of electronics on the children health has been lacking. Read More

Analysis of the study:

The study shows massive results and outcomes for the children health over the usage of the touch devices and shows that daily usage of devices cut down the 15 minutes of sleep.

The study also shows that children that are using the devices are more likely to sleep more in the day instead of at night but the fact is that sleep remains important during the first few years of the lifecycle when the brain and sleep patterns evolve in tandem.

The researcher Dr. Tim Smith added that we need to do a lot of research over this issue as 10-12 hours of sleep is massive but for the young one every minute sleep matters a lot for the development as sleep benefits a lot to the children.

The study is not clear about the decision as touch screen have some association with the sleep problems of the toddlers – however, the kids who actively used the smartphones are more likely to develop their motor skills. See More

Should children give touchscreens to play with?

The researchers were not clear about the final decision as they need more time and want to clear the points and added that this question is tricky at this moment and we are lagging behind the technology.

The researchers added that the parents need to put the limit for the children i.e. putting a limit on the usage of the touch screen devices and ensuring children still do physical things and you should need to avoid the usage of touch devices at the night.

The cognitive developmental researcher added that we need to discover the association between sleep and touchscreens – until we don't know they should not be banned completely.