Overrated Advice for Kimberley Holiday Packages

Author: Ocean Dream

Start to tell your family and friends that you are planning to visit the Kimberley region and taking a cruise; you are likely to immediately be told what you should and shouldn’t do. While your loved ones are trying to be helpful, often this advice at best overrated and at worst could ruin your holiday. So, here is a guide to the most overrated advice so that you can avoid some potential pitfalls.

Bring an Overdoor Organiser:

You are likely to hear this piece of advice from anyone who has thought about taking a cruise. However, many cruise operators have strict policies about what you can and cannot hang on cabin doors. Before cluttering up your luggage with an organiser, ask about cabin storage. You may find that there are lots of cupboards and drawers already provided.

Be Sure to Wear a Patch for Seasickness:

Whether you have already been on Kimberley fishing holidays or have never set foot on board a boat, you are likely to be told time and time again to wear a patch against seasickness as a precaution. While it is always a good idea to be prepared, before you go to this trouble, find out if you actually have your sea legs. Better advice is to take patches with you but only apply one if you start to feel dizzy or sick.

Avoid the Rush and Arrive Later for Embarkation:

As a general rule, it is a good idea to be ready to board your boat as early as possible. While on a massive cruise liner, this could mean waiting in a large queue, when you are taking a smaller cruise, it provides you extra time before you embark. You can get settled in your cabin, check out the boat and still be on deck ready for when you pull away from the dock.

Don’t Plan Out Your Shore Excursions:

While a spontaneous attitude can be fun, when you are on a kimberley tours australia there is so much to see and do, it is a good idea to know what activities are a massive priority. You may not be all that bothered about going to a freshwater swimming hole or shopping for art and would rather spend the morning sunbathing on deck. This means that you need to consider not only what you would like to do, but plan your Kimberley holiday packages accordingly.

If you are considering Kimberley holidays, you should speak to us. We offer a range of Kimberley holiday packages including Kimberley fishing holidays and adventure cruises. The cruise the kimberley team would be delighted to discuss your requirements and help you to plan out your holiday of a lifetime.