How Does Aircraft Gauge Work in An Aircraft?

Author: J P Instruments

In the cockpit, pilots require information about the flight situation of the aircraft. Information, such as altitude, speed, and direction, is very crucial for improving the safety of the aircraft and its passengers.

Pilots require special instruments that help them in measuring the performance of the engines, navigation, and communication.

In total, an aircraft has six systems that help pilots in various ways:

1. Pilot Static Systems: these systems consist of three instruments:

a. Altimeter: measures aircraft height above sea level

b. Airspeed indicator: measures aircraft speed in relation with the surrounding air

c. Vertical speed indicator: also known as Variometer, measures changes in air pressure

2. Compass Systems:

a. Magnetic compass: also known as Artificial Horizon, measures aircraft’s direction in relation with the magnetic North

3. Gyroscopic Systems:

a. Attitude Indicator: also known as Artificial Horizon, indicates aircraft’s relation with the horizon

b. Heading indicator: also known as Directional Gyro, indicates direction in relation with magnetic North when setting with a compass

c. Turn indicator: measures rotation about the longitudinal axis

4. Flight Director Systems:

a. Horizontal Situation Indicator: this instrument merges readings from the magnetic compass with navigation signals; taken from a GPS or a Localizer; and a Glide Slope.

b. Attitude Director Indicator

5. Navigational Systems:

a. Very-High Frequency Omnidirectional Range (VOR): provides orientation, measuring distance to or from a station, and course interception

b. Nondirectional Radio Beacon (NDB): represents aircraft heading and allows position fixing

A lot of companies are working on providing the best aircraft instrumentation and services. Among these is a leading company, J. P. Instruments, who has an entire fleet of reliable and cost effective products; including engine data management systems, fuel flow gauges, and GPS moving maps. In very less time JPI has become quite popular among pilots and mechanics because of its uncompromised quality, service, and reliability.

JPI makes sure that its customers are aware that it is striving to attain their satisfaction by providing quality products and services. It has a wide range of Single Engine Management Systems, Twin Engine Management Systems, Aircraft Engine Monitoring Systems, Slim Line Gauges, Probes & Sensors, Adapters and Cables, and more.

Apart from providing these products and services, JPI also helps with technical support on its website by providing a knowledge-base and manuals of solutions to common problems. Not only this, the website also has a variety of software downloads and video tutorials. Furthermore, it also provides various GPS interface connections to make their products and services more user-friendly. These are some of the examples of how dedicated JPI is towards customer satisfaction and quality maintenance. JPI is always working towards the highest quality products and the highest quality of customer satisfaction.

Therefore, if you are concerned about which company to purchase Electronic Data Management Systems from, JPI must be your first option.

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