Saturn Transit 2017
Saturn Transit 2017:
The transit of Saturn happened on 26th January 2017 and Saturn moved from Vrishchika Rasi to Dhanus Rasi.However Sani will come back to Vrischika Rasi on June 21st and be in Vrischika till October 26.The final transition of Saturn to dhanus rasi will be on 27th October 2017.This is a major transit of an important graha. This will have a bearing on all 12 rasis.
Saturn Transit impact on Aries
Transit Saturn is in the 9th house in dhanus rasi. You have just come out of Astama Sani and entering a good period from a difficult, stressful period of ups and downs.You will see improvement in your career and profession. Many will get promotions and increments and performance bonus. Businessmen will see increase in sales, good income, good profits with higher margins.
Saturn Transit impact on Taurus
Transit Saturn goes to the 8th house which will give you a tough time. Astamath Sani will bring miseries, troubles and difficulties in the native life. You will face challenges in career and profession. You will get success after initial hurdles on performing remedies of Sani Bhagwan. Visit Hanuman Temples on Saturdays. Help handicapped people.
Saturn Transit impact on Gemini
Saturn in dhanush rasi is in your 7th house is good for you in all aspects of life. Career and profession will go well with luck and fortune favouring you. Those who are employed can expect promotion, increment and performance incentives. Those searching for change of job will get lucrative jobs with better designations.
Saturn Transit impact on Cancer
Transit Saturn in Dhanush Rasi means Sani is placed in the 6th house. This is a good place of transit Saturn for your Janma Rasi. You will do well in all aspects of life. Debts will be cleared. Your health will improve. Career and profession will see excellent growth. All your plans and goals will be realized.
Saturn Transit impact on Leo
Tranist Saturn is in 5th house for your Janma Rasi. This is a good position and will take you to prosperity in life. You can expect sudden luck and fortune in life. Students writing competitive exams will be successful. Speculation will also yield favourable results. Many will get married. Career and profession will see smooth sailing.
Saturn Transit impact on Virgo
Transit Saturn is in the 4th house. You will running ardha ashtama sani. The 5th and 6th house lord Saturn is in 4th house which is a Kendra. You will have mixed results of good and bad. You will see ups and downs in all aspects of life – domestic happiness, property, vehicles, career and profession, finances and relationship with mother.
Saturn Transit impact on Libra
Transit Saturn moves to 3rd house as lord of 4th and 5th house. This is good placement and you can expect success in all aspects of life but with extra effort and hard work. Career and profession will see challenges which you will overcome with extra hard work and be successful.
Saturn Transit impact on Scorpio
Transit Saturn is in 2nd house for you and you are running the last leg of Sade Satti – you will be coming out of Janma Sani and you should get some relief. Your health will see improvement. Good times have come for you and your wealth position will increase with lot of cash in hand. Career and profession will go well.
Saturn Transit impact on Sagittarius
Transit Saturn is in dhanus rasi. You will be entering Janma Sani. You need to take extra care of your health. Life will in general look like having extra responsibilities and burden. You are running the 2nd leg of Sade Satte. This will be difficult period for many. You will face hurdles, obstacles and challenges which can be overcome with correct remedies to Saturn.
Saturn Transit impact on Capricorn
Transit Saturn brings Sade Satte for your rasi. This transit will be a period of ups and downs. You will see struggle initially but will overcome all challenges and be successful. You have to compulsorily do all remedies of Saturn to see improvement in all aspects of life. Career and profession will move slowly and can face hurdles and difficulties which can be solved if dealt with patience, perseverance and diplomacy.
Saturn Transit impact on Aquarius
Transit Saturn moves to the 11th house from your Janma Rasi. This is a good place and fortune will shine on you. You will see profits and gains in everything you do. Career and profession will go very well. You will get success in everything you do with luck and fortune favouring you always. All plans will go on schedule. All goals will be achieved.
Saturn Transit impact on Pisces
Transit Saturn moves to 10th house from your Janma Rasi. Sani is the labhasthanadhipati in the 10th house and will bless you will good times. Transit Saturn aspects Vraya Sthanam, Sukha Sthanam and Sapta Sthanam. Your health will improve and you will buy vehicles and properties. Auspicious events will take place in the family. Career and profession will go well.