The Driller Man at Prodigy Oil and Gas

Author: Sathyam Sen

For drilling, Oklahoma is the most precious place. She is well known for her historical oil and gas reserve This state has shown a hard time in oil production but things have changed and Oklahoma is moving on and now it is 5th greatest producer of crude oil, and has the 2nd-largest number of active drilling rigs.

On December 2008 the crude oil production was less then 4,770 thousand barrels but year next it grew and stood at 5310, but do you know the best part, $11.3 billion in tax revenue was collected by the state, over last 12 months of 2009, $12.6 million higher than the previous record most of it was contribution of drilling industry. At the January of 2010 the production of crude oil was 4,971 thousand barrels and at the February of 2011 the production reached the number over 6848 thousand which is impressive but the following year was much more impressive because the production reached a new land mark of 7153. According to the last received information at April of 2013 manufacture of crude oil was 9615 thousand barrels. This increased number tells us the silent story of success The driller man

The driller man is main crew in drilling sector or we can assume him as "crews foreman".as a driller a man have to be mentally alert and physically active because he have to deal with 100 lbs and difficult equipment's actual rig operations involve the use of both hands and feet to operate total controls in hoisting Motor Hand along with drilling machine and he have to identify the safety limits to operate the rig because he is responsible for hole operation that’s why a driller must be able to see gauges and dials at the distance of 5-10 feet’s and he must not be away of 90 feet from Derrick hand. For a drilling employee most of his challenges in physical part because primary duties of this position need extreme level of physical activity in a 12 hour period, he have to tolerate lifting weight of more then 100 bls from floor to waist 10-12 times a day, the driller deal with 12 hours of pushing, climbing, lifting, pulling and rough weather.

Employment opportunities as driller man occupation at Prodigy Oil and Gas Company is massive. Oklahoma is all about oil and natural gas. Unemployment rate is way below than national average, and it’s because of this industry. Nearly one-quarter of all jobs in Oklahoma are tied to the energy industry. A recent research of the Oklahoma Energy Resources Board shows us the oil and gas industry was responsible for pouring more then $51 million into the state's economy and created jobs for over 300,000 people.