Is SEO still relevant for your online business venture in 2014?

Author: Arthur Atkin

We are just at the brink of finishing up with 2013 and entering into the new year of 2014. At such junctures, when we see many new ideas like social media marketing and other modern internet marketing strategies, the online marketers seem to be debating whether or not the SEO is still a relevant strategy in the coming year for online business marketing and promotion. In other words, is search engine optimization still relevant concept is a big question to answer in the present context. If you look in the perspective of Google Updates coming since past few months, the sites with too much optimized content are seen penalized the most. You can therefore call the SEO Singapore strategy as obsolete or a complex idea. Also, if you check the number of newer methods of making your ideas or business viral over the web landscape through social media sites then you still have reason to call SEO as an obsolete thing. Yet down the line the importance of SEO in internet marketing cannot be still denied. Though it could have lost some of its gleam yet ignoring it once for all is not a good idea. Let’s check the reason why?

Consumers still rely on search engines

Still you can find a number of potential customers heavily relying over search engines especially Google to find out local and smaller size businesses in their areas. You can find the search engine being used the most when people are keen to buy anything. It goes to such an extent that the search engines now still remain as the vital entry point to connect the consumers and business at any place.

SEO and Google updates

You certainly know how after the updates from Google has badly hit the sites, which were overly optimized. This though has led to a feeling that that it’s the beginning of the end of the old practices including even certain SEO services Singapore. However, when you finally saw the dust settling down, the reality was the same Google would never bury the idea of SEO instead it was just an attempt from this giant search engine to follow the correct practices of search engine optimization, which many sites were seen violating. The change of algorithms by Google was simply for the reason to penalize the sites who are on the wrong rut and prosper clean and legitimate SEO practices.

Ranking still rules

If you still are seen perplexed about SEO let me tell you that there are hordes of consumers and web users who consider the sites at the top in search engine results as the number one brand in business. Hence if you are not ranking on the first page, you have actually chosen to fall flat as far as the internet marketing and promotion strategies are concerned. The crux of the whole discussion is that ranking still matter so the SEO Company Singapore is not going to shut down their offices and try out venturing some other business but would continue to do business and help sites and businesses to rank better over the search engine results. So the bottom line the SEO is still relevant in the year of 2014 as far as internet marketing is concerned.