How Studying Abroad Can Help Your Career

Author: Brad Young

Studying in the US has many benefits: globally recognized universities to study at and endless amounts of things to do across all states. With so many possibilities here, people often overlook the possibilities of studying overseas.

But international studying can be huge benefit for anyone – especially if you dream of being a success in the global marketplace. The minute you step off the plane into a new country is the minute you start learning and gaining skills that will aid your career.

Resume Boost

Your resume needs to be able to speak for you to sell yourself and set yourself apart from the competition. Working abroad can help you do that. Studying in a new country raises your cultural awareness and shows you have the capability to work with people from different backgrounds. Diversity is key to successful businesses so you’ll give yourself a head start here.

Studying aboard can also help you identify areas of self-improvement, as it is easier to identify skills that you may be lacking when you are pushed out of your comfort zone and into a new culture. Being adaptable and a fast learner will give you key transitional skills for the work place. In fact, 80% of students who studied abroad felt the experience helped them adapt better to different work environments.

If you’ve got a flair for languages, bilingual skills will be a massive lift for your resume. Businesses are progressively expanding into different countries and this globalization means that acquiring a new language could set you apart from the rest. Not only will it be hugely easier for when you go traveling, it increases the size of the market that you could possibly target.

However, if you prefer a familiar language, you can still benefit greatly from studying in places such as the UK, Australia or New Zealand. While the native language is the same, the potential melting pot of cultures as well as the unique quirks, cultures and mindsets of these countries will all help you grow. If your goals are more work focused than education, traveling to an English-speaking environment would allow you to ease into a work experience. For example, you could explore internships in London that will give you the benefit of interacting with culturally different people while developing your workplace skills. You could even take supplemental evening or online classes to learn a language on the side.

Networking possibilities

Whether you come together through studying or work experience, your overseas experience will have you meeting young professionals from all kinds of backgrounds. Once you leave, you will be leaving with a huge new pool of friends – and valuable contacts.

These friends will most probably go back to their home countries to work in all types of industries. With this huge variety of roles, you may find yourself calling an old friend up for a business favor. A study carried out by The Institute for International Education of Students (IES) showed that over 50% of respondents were still in contact with friends they met abroad.

Even during this traveling experience, there is potential to meet individuals who are already successful – they could be the ones to help you get your foot in the door and kickstart your career.

Cultural changes

Being able to successfully adjust to customs in another country is a huge skill and will demonstrate your self-management discipline to a potential employer. In a new country, you have to start from scratch, using your own research, persistence and ability to build relationships to establish a new daily life. If you’ve moved from a small town to downtown Tokyo, even going to the shops will be an adventure.

Gaining this first-hand knowledge will give you unparalleled insight different customs, markets and people when it comes to business. So, if you’re considering a career with global aspirations, get on that road early with international study or work experience.