Are One Size Pocket Diaper The Best?

Author: Smarti Pants

In today's world, everyday new styles and fashion comes into trend not only for adults or youngsters or kids, but for babies as well. But in case of babies, not only a baby's trendy things have to look good but also have to be useful and effective. The cloth items that all babies wear the most are diapers. There are many different types of diapers available for babies such as comfortable fitting diapers, printed diapers, cloth diapers, colored diapers and many more. One of the best, comfortable and widely used diapers are "one size pocket diapers".

Here are a few reasons as to why one size pocket diapers are the best.

Re-sizeable: As the name suggests one size pocket diapers can fit any baby from a new born infant to a 2-3 year old baby. It is best for parents as they can be adjusted according to any baby's size and fitting and thus ensure there is no leakage.

Reusable: One size pocket diapers are made from natural washable materials and thus they can be reused. After your baby poops in it, just remove solid poop and put the diaper in washing machine to wash. After it dries, it is ready to be used again. It is that simple.

Comfortable: Diapers which are comfortable for your baby are the best for them. One size pocket diaper can be adjusted to become lose or tight as per your baby's comfort. If your baby is comfortable in what he or she is wearing, they will be in a good mood and not in a cranky or irritated mood.

Light on pocket: Disposable diapers may be cheap individually but when you calculate the total quantity of diapers which your baby would require till he gets potty trained, the figure is very large. Thus, the overall cost of disposable diapers is much, much more as compared to one size pocket style cloth diapers. The best one size pocket diaper is washable and can be used again. Also it can be adjusted as per baby's fit and size.

Environmental friendly: Disposable diapers are made from plastic materials, which are non-biodegradable. Disposal of diapers increase waste by 3.4 million pounds every year on landfill in USA. On the contrary one size pocket diapers are made up of natural biodegradable materials and are re-usable.

Cloth: Use of cloth in one size pocket diaper make it the best choice for baby's skin. Cloth used while making them is breathable fiber due to which natural moisture in baby's skin is not absorbed and thus it helps to keep skin soft and rash free.