6 Reasons You Must Learn Mandarin

Author: Oliver Davis

Learning mandarin is probably one of the best investments one can make. From a job perspective to a new academic pursuit it is beneficial. The Chinese language is also known as mandarin and this is one of the most widely spoken languages. Thousands of Chinese tutor available to help you up skills your language learning skill in Chinese.

Here are 6 reasons why you must learn Mandarin,

  1. It is one of the most spoken languages wherein 14% of the global population speaks Chinese. Just imagine the total number of people it includes. Moreover, it is always beneficial for one to know an extra language. Additionally, Chinese is a tonal language and most people say that a Chinese speaking person uses both sides of the brains.
  2. China economy is blooming and thus you can be a part of it. It is one of the largest global economic countries. There are a lot of people required as they further grow.

3. There are a lot of people in every country that can help you learn Mandarin. You don’t have to be worried on how you will enable yourself in learning Mandarin. Chinese language tutors are available to help you and your friend through varied learning techniques. Additionally, there are a number of websites available that help you get fluent in Chinese

  1. This is an economically important language. Countries like Singapore, Taiwan and china speak Chinese
  2. If you are thinking of doing a business in Asia learning Mandarin will be an added advantage
  3. It offers a completely new outlook towards life. Its concepts of time, space and history can only be understood with elaborate details of the mandarin language. The grammatical structure and the word order are completely unique.

Typing and learning can be an easy way to learn Mandarin

A number of character input method is used in china. These are available on mobile devices and computer. They are the primary way of how Chinese texts are created. This means to understand and recognise Chinese character to will have to learn how to type it. In fact, computer assisted learning makes learning Chinese easy.

It is not as difficult to learn Mandarin as you think

There are more than 80,000 Chinese characters on the other hand only 3500 are used to have a conversation. In respect to tones, they are important however not critical in understanding.

Explore your inner artist

The language is written with the use of iconographic character, unlike letters. These were developed from cave paintings and pictures. You need an incredible amount of skill to write it

Travelling to varied places without a worry as you know commute in Chinese

The entire Southeast Asia will be inviting you home if you get your hands on the Mandarin language. Jokes apart, however, you will gain a confidence in travelling with no fear of language interpretations.