The Various Factors That Will Influence Your Choice Of Headstones

Author: Sanctuary Memorials

Death is something that is usually difficult to deal with, especially if it involves a very close friend or relative. Choosing the right one from the options and designs of headstones may be a difficult task for most people. However, there are some important factors that will determine the ultimate choice.

The cemetery regulations:

Some cemeteries have stringent regulations on the headstones to be erected on grave sites in their grounds with regard to material, size, and headstone type. Before ordering the headstone, check all the requirements of the cemetery in the location where the loved one will be rested. Know what is permitted and that which is not permitted. As the headstone is usually erected sometime after the date of burial, you have the time to consult and seek information on all these and any other information you need to know. Most of the local masonry suppliers are very aware of the cemetery headstones Auckland regulations.

The cost:

The cost of monument headstones varies due to many factors which you need to know. First, the quality of granite used will determine the cost. High quality granite will translate to higher cost for the headstone. Important to note is that some materials may have initial high cost and lower maintenance costs. Conversely, some other materials may have initial lower cost and high maintenance costs. Good examples of the latter are marble and sandstone; these cost cheaper but they tend to fade out and the wording will most likely get charred, messy and defaced some few months or years after their erection at the grave site.

As you may expect, simple and plain design costs cheaper than a more intricate and beautiful design. The choice is yours but avoid the cheap options which cannot last long. Another factor which determines the options of wording. Most inexpensive headstones have simple wording which may need maintenance in order to remain visible and legible. The costlier wording options do not need a lot of maintenance in the future. Again, the choice is yours here and it all depends on your budget.

The professionalism and experience of the grave or headstone marker:

If you browse the online collection of headstones you will notice that the quality and beauty of the headstone varies from one grave marker to the other. If you need the best quality work, then you may have to work with an experienced designer, whose services may not be the cheapest.


Do you want to add accessories to the headstone, such as gold, silver or bronze decals, lighting, sculpture or plaque? Many headstones also feature flower vase, photographs and images. All these add to the beauty of the headstone but they come at additional cost.


There is simply a lot that you can add to the modern headstones. Examples include 3D memorial mask and video enhancement. As these are generally costly, they are only available for the custom made headstones.


There is nothing which can equal the affection to your loved one. Depending on your budget, do anything that you feel can show the love you have for that loved one in the headstone erected on their grave.