How to Prevent the Coming Back of Dandruff

Author: Pawan Kumar

What is dandruff

The body surface of a person continues shedding dead skin cells. Dandruff is considered to be the excessive shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. It is the resultant of the normal growing procedure of skin cells of the scalp. Dandruff leads to several other problems such as hair fall, irritation, and itching of the scalp.

Effects of dandruff

Dandruff is responsible for weakening the roots, resulting in the constant falling of hair.

Dandruff sticks to the scalp of the skin in the form of cake and results in blocking the flow of air into the roots freely.

Owing to dandruff, hair turns weak at the roots and the hold is loosened.

Causes of dandruff

Extensive researches reveal the fact that almost half of the population of adults suffer from dandruff problems at some time in their life. It is one of the primary causes of the metabolic procedures of the body. Like the rest of skin, the scalp is renewing and shedding itself in a constant manner. Old cells die out, giving rise to new ones. When there is an interruption in the natural balance of metabolic procedure, new cells build faster in comparison to older cells. They get accumulated on the scalp in flake form. Some of the primary causes for disturbance of the metabolic process are drugs, sudden alterations in diet or climate, strain and emotional strain, the onset of puberty. Fungal infections of the scalp are also considered to be effective causes for dandruff.

Factors which may lead to augmentation of dandruff

Improper washing, lesser shampooing of hair, additional use of hot hair dryer aids in aggravating dandruff. Shampooing hair on a regular basis with the aid of a mild shampoo is considered to be one of the effective means for dandruff treatments. You should be massaging the scalp in a gentle manner for loosening flakes and washing the scalp and hair thoroughly.

Additional use of gels and hairsprays, wrong use of hair color, hair straightening products are responsible for causing dandruff. You should be avoiding scarves and tight fitting hats. The combination of low humidity, cold weather and dryer indoor heat are also known to be responsible for dandruff. Food allergies, poor diet, infections and imbalances in hormones are also known to be responsible for dandruff.

Comb and brush for dandruff

You should refrain from using a comb or brush off the person who is suffering from dandruff as it is contagious and dangerous. You should ensure to wash the brush or comb after shampoo in case you are suffering from dandruff. Medicated soaps, medicines, shampoos are considered to be integral treatments for dandruff. However, cleanliness of hair is a prerequisite. It is mandatory to brush hair three times every day and apply shampoo at least once in seven days. You should ensure while washing hair that water is not trickling down the face. There are increased chances of getting pimples.

Dandruff is one of the effective causes of hair fall. You should go for natural dandruff treatments for the prevention of dandruff and hair fall.

Rangoli Ayurveda is a reputed Dandruff Treatment provider in Kolkata, provides Ayurvedic Dandruff Treatment, Oily Scalp Treatment, Dry Scalp Treatment.Our anti dandruff shampoo and oil will not only save your hair fall but also treats your dandruff problem.