?Understanding Auto Loan Websites

Author: Dan Sears

From the Auto.Loan website to Consumer Affairs and beyond, there is a whole slew of sites that can help you learn more about where to find great auto loan deals and much more. If you're new to trying to find a loan, though, the options they have available might be more than a bit confusing, and you may be wondering exactly what you're supposed to do with all that information.

No need to fret. Today, we're going to delve into the different components of most auto loan websites and the tools that they offer to help you plan out your next vehicle purchase. Once we're done, you should have a better understanding of navigating your way around these sites to get the information you need.

Loan Reviews

The first thing most sites will offer are reviews of the various lenders and services that could potentially offer you a loan. You should see a list of different outlets that can provide loans, along with pros and cons about each service.

Sometimes, these different services will have rankings and editor's picks that will let you differentiate which are the best for specific situations. Some might be good for smaller loans, for instance, while others might be great for individuals with damaged credit.

Further still, some sites might classify different loan services by whether or not they are banks, credit unions, or some other third-party institution that can provide the funding you need. Be sure to review these options carefully to determine which is the best for you.

Interest Rates

One of the biggest factors in how much you'll be paying over the term of your loan (aside from the size of the loan itself) is the interest rate. To assist you with finding a good rate, many auto loan sites will list different lenders based on their current interest rates.

These listings will often be grouped by the loan type and term, so you can get an idea of what you might be paying based on different repayment periods. What's more, many auto loan sites will also list certain conditions that come along with the loans, and provide you with tips on what you can do to obtain the best possible rate.

The benefit with this style is that it lets you compare multiple options side-by-side, a must when you're attempting to "shop around" to determine what avenues are open to you.

The Loan Calculator

Even if they don't have an auto loan calculator built into the site, many auto loan websites will provide you with a listing of popular tools you can use to plan your loan.

These tools are invaluable in allowing you to plot out what you can afford before you even begin the process. You can input data like the vehicle purchase price, your expected down payment/trade-in value, and taxes to get an idea of your expected monthly payments.

Some calculators will even incorporate more precise features, like an estimator that can determine the True Market Value of a particular year/make/model of vehicle. These calculators can also help work additional costs like fees and registrations into the estimate.

The more you know in advance, the better prepared you will be when you go to get your credit check and pre-approval for the auto loan and vehicle that you want.

Additional Info

Almost any auto loan website worth its salt will offer some extras that will help arm you with the knowledge you need to take care of your specific auto loan needs. This could range from how-to articles that cover the loan process, tips on improving your credit score, or even full-featured guides about buying a car.

Make sure to review everything available to you when visiting an auto loan site and use that information to your advantage when you're searching for your next new vehicle.