What Are The Best Eye Health Care Decisions For Your Eyes?
Your eyes go through a lot of stress on a daily basis—especially if you work in front of a computer for a many hours. Glare from televisions as well as mobile screens strain the eyes, which is why regular eye checkups are necessary for ideal optical health. Schedule a routine eye examination such as a comprehensive dilated eye exam with the best eye care provider in the city. This is especially vital for those who need clear vision for their work, such as surgeons and pilots. For those that experience frequent eye strain because of computers, CVS or Computer Vision Syndrome has become quite common. Symptoms of this condition include blurred or loss of vision, burning or tired vision, headaches, and neck to shoulder pains. If you think you might be suffering from CVS, visit an eye hospital in Bangalore to see if you are already in need of glasses or contact lenses.
While LED billboards, televisions, computers and mobile phones all damage our eyes with the glare, natural sunlight also damages our eyes with ultraviolet rays. When outdoors, particularly when the sun is high, remember to wear sunglasses. They help protect your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun. Make sure to purchase ones that block out at least 99 percent of the harmful rays. Living a healthy lifestyle is always helpful in maintaining health of your eyes. Eating leafy green vegetables such as kale and spinach, carrots, and fish that are full of omega-3 fatty acids such as tuna and halibut help keep your eyes crystal clear.
The best eye specialist in Bangalore will be able to tell you if you need glasses or contact lenses. Both glasses & contact lenses can be used interchangably. Contact lenses although cosmetically more appealing require a greater degree of care. Talk to your eye care doctor about proper care and maintenance. One of the best eye centres in the city has a wide array of contact lenses such as spherical, bifocal, and coloured contact lenses. They also have custom-made lenses such as Rose K2, Scleral lenses, and prosthetic lenses.