Contribution of a succesfull website for every B2B and B2C business

Author: Ritesh Dwivedi

Online marketing can never be a successful one for any business without a proper website designed. It plays a crucial role in most of the B2B or B2C businesses, as they are considered as the benchmark standard for every e-commerce sites. That is why if we are trying to present our business to the world we need to present us in an outstanding way. Then only we can consider ourselves dynamic in our approach. Often the international clients don’t find a business promising enough unless and until the business website design looks very promising and appealing one. Those businesses always fail to generate a significant amount of traffic. That is when a site starts losing its acceptance and 90% of the traffic gets discarded completely. Gradually that lowers the search result of the respective business in Google search engine, prior to which a business might ruin before it can start up properly. To avoid such problems every website designing service provider should try to undertake some of the following approaches while designing a business site.

The first thing that should get importance while someone makes a business web page is proper space management. The blank website always looks dull and very incomplete. To complete the vacancy, it should have a catchy caption or tagline that might immediately attract the attention of the visitors. The caption or the tagline should be like a bottom line for every business. Someone new to this site can easily interpret what the business is all about at just one glance. The caption should take sufficient space wherever it is designed. It is better if there are other texts, pictures, or images placed adjacent to the caption in such a way that justifies the caption’s importance in the business. There should be a place provided on the site where a visitor or viewer can post their individual feedback after seeing the site.

If it is an e-commerce website then simple navigation is a very important factor for every business. If the navigation system for any online shopping website or e-commerce site is not being prepared for a customer or user-friendly way, the designed site will be of no importance for an online e-commerce based business. That is why easy navigation system is something that is expected by the customers for choosing different options in any online shopping website. When such facility is not available immediately the traffic generated from the site will be discarded completely.

The next thing that gets importance while designing any site is the ‘about us’ option. A lucid commercial but friendly approach adopted in making an ‘about us’ is a very important thing to make a digital marketing successful for every business. Because a major portion of the online traffic gets attracted to a business only when they go through a customer-friendly commercial site. That is why every website designing service provider should know how to maintain the above-mentioned criteria while designing a commercial site for any business. These are the key areas which determine a high ranking of a business site in the Google Search Engine Optimization process. Always such service providers must remember that their vital contribution in making a website an attractive one can enable the site to generate major traffic for every start up business. Because every customer expects to see the site they are visiting is either in the 1st or 2nd ranking place in the Google Search Engine. Nobody gets attracted to a site that is located on the last page of the Google.