SEO Auckland - 4 Reasons To Integrate Your Website With HTTPS

Author: Stecy Davis

Security is a crucial aspect these days says SEO in Auckland as Google is exceptionally serious about it. And, the concept of HTTPS is highly significant for the businesses that think about the future. A lot of people usually ask about the meaning of that letter "S" in "HTTPS", which is trending these days globally. Well, it denotes "SSL", meaning Secure Sockets Layer, which is a technology used to encrypt the internet connection to a website to evade hackers capture any of the personal information.

Even though there are numerous reasons why every website should be integrated with HTTPS, however, here are 4 crucial ones suggested by SEO Auckland.

Crucial reasons to entitle the website with HTTPS

It facilitates users – There were times when a massive amount of personal information was hacked from a website after a security breach. However, SSL helps to circumvent such attacks by hackers worldwide and keeps every type of information about the user secure throughout. Hacking is a form of eavesdropping where communication between several users in screened and amended by an unauthorized party. Any website that incorporates monetary transactions like accepting debit or credit cards or has a login functionality must be HTTPS entitled as the user privacy is important and HTTPS helps to maintain it proficiently.

Google is indexing mobile – Google has been noticed indexing mobile more than ever. The algorithms, predominantly, have been using the mobile version of the content on the websites so as to rank pages from any of the particular website. What you actually need to get familiar with if you want to procure ranking effectively sis that in order for a mobile website to be indexable, Google recommends an array of promising practices, with one of the most imperative being to switch over to a secure, HTTPS driven and entitled website. And, so as to enhance the website’s user experience, maintain the ranking in search engine and do not want to lose digital revenue, make sure that the website is entitled and integrated with HTTPS.

HTTPS is required for AMP – Accelerated Mobile Pages is what AMP stands for. It is a revolutionary technology that makes sure that web pages load and show up quickly on mobile. And, sometimes you will even observe a lightning bolt icon located right next to several search results while searching something on Google using a mobile device. This icon represents that the link or web page is AMP-ready. It not only facilitates faster loading of web pages, but even contributes to SEO too. Any website or web pages integrated with AMP will procure better search engine rankings in contrast to others. And, so as to label anything as AMP-ready, SSL is an essential prerequisite.

For better user experience and SEO rankings – Green colored padlock denotes a secured website, which is HTTPS compliant. And, the majority of users would not like to shop on a website with a missing green padlock as the unsecured websites are vulnerable to put the confidential information of the customers such as credit or debit card information or any other payment information at risk to unauthorized users, also known as hackers. So, integrating HTTPS to the website will certainly help to create a better user experience and even boosts digital revenue efficiently. In addition, it will also add to improve SEO rankings. Google has already officially publicized that HTTPS/SSL compliant websites will be given privileged treatment in contrast to the ones without HTTPS. It will unquestionably affect the search engine rankings. So, if you haven’t switched yet, it is the right time for HTTPS upgrade.

In addition to the aforementioned 4 crucial reasons to integrate and entitle the website with HTTPS, adding the letter "S" will certainly help to eschew "Not Secure" tag that Chrome will tag the non-HTTPS website. And, you can very well imagine the impact of "Not Secure" tag on the potential customers visiting your website for shopping. So, start creating a safe space today, just by switching over to HTTPS rather than keeping your website entitled to HTTP only. It will guarantee SEO to stay strong, on both mobile and desktop and moreover, you will not be vulnerable to lose digital revenue or sales volume proficiently.