Electrical Safety Tips at home

Author: Amit Kumar

On any given day, it is very much understood that people use various appliances in their home. With so many risks associated with the usage of electrical appliances, it is very much understood that safety precautions must be taken at home by all the family members to avoid any dangers and dangerous hazards associated with it. Here are some electrical safety tips which must be followed by everyone at home for keeping themselves away from any dangers of electrical appliances and brushing up on the principles of safe operation.


Appliances are an integral part of every contemporary household. Some of the precautions you must take while handling them include unplugging unused appliances and store electrical cords out of reach of young children or pets. Other appliances such as television sets and computer desktops should be given ample clearance all around for good air circulation.

It is imperative that you should follow the appliance instructions carefully and always avoid repairing any appliances by yourself in case you don’t have professional knowledge of repairing electrical appliances. In case you are working on any outlet in your home and making any repair or modifications related to electrical fittings, it is always better to switch off the mains to avoid any potential danger. In case of a major requirement with the repair/installation of electrical appliances, you can avail the services of a qualified electrician including electrical repair services Hyderabad and onsite services Hyderabad besides other cities within the country.

Grounding Issues

Older appliances could have grounding problems that can put all of the family members at a lot of risk. Make sure that all of the appliances in your house have three pronged plugs that will be connected properly to an outlet which is grounded. In case your outlets are not grounded, they need to be replaced. You should also periodically use the services of a registered and trusted electrician who knows his job well for ensuring all the electrical systems in your home are safe.


Appliances have cords and it is quite common to use extension cords in homes for increasing the range of outlets. Ensure that these cords are free of any kinks or cracks. All cords should always be used for the purpose with which they are manufactured. Never staple an electrical cord at any time and do not place them beneath rugs or carpets as they can prove to be a hazard for trips. Any malfunctions will not be even visible to people externally. Also, never make modification to a cord’s plug at any time, for instance removing one of the prongs or try to fit a wider prong in a different outlet.

Light Bulbs

Light bulbs being used at home also become a hazard for people living in a house in case they are not careful about exercising precautions while using them. Use the required wattage in bulbs according to the fixture. Using higher wattage will result in overheating of the bulb. Due to better technology and longer lasting features, compact fluorescent bulbs should be used as they are safer and save electricity. Make sure that you screw all bulbs tightly as lose bulbs can cause sparks.

Electrical Fires

In case an electrical short circuit does happen at home, it is paramount to know everything you need to do for putting out or even for preventing an electrical fire in the house. First and foremost as a precaution, do not allow children and infants to play near working electrical appliances. You should always have a thorough knowledge of where your fuses are located within the house and in case of an electrical fire, never put water on an electrical fire, instead use a dry fire extinguisher.

Be careful about the outlets

Remain alert about any potential warm outlets in your home. Place your hands on the outlets and if any of them is warm or quite hot, it means that either wiring is melting or the load is quite high. Make sure that you always replace two pronged outlets with three pronged outlets which are grounded.

Avoid Contact with Water

Keep yourself away from water at all times while working with any electrical equipment. In case there is any chance to be in contact with water around you, then you need to wear rubber boots or shoes, while working with dry hands. Even in case of children who might be coming from outside or after a dip in the pool, do make sure that they are not wet and are dried completely before entering the house lest they touch any electrical source unintentionally with their hands. This could pose a threat to their wellbeing and safety.

This article has been written by Deepali. Deepali works as a digital marketing manager in Avemfly Technology and loves blogging.