Features and importance of AVG antivirus

Author: Janette Smith

Anti-Virus Guard is abbreviated as AVG Antivirus. It is a family of antivirus software developed by AVG Technologies.AVG provide AVG antivirus free for Windows, mac OS and Android.When your system behave strangely it indicates that your system is infected from malicious programs. This antivirus offers you protection against online scammers, phishing attack by securing your confidential information.

Importance of AVG antivirus

To remove the virus from our system we need an antivirus. AVG provide better protection against different type of malfunctioning and provide protection to the system. It consist different features which help the user to run their system smoothly.

  • Anti-Trojan: it provide Protection against Trojan viruses.

  • Anti-Worm: AVG Designed to provide protection against worm viruses.

  • Anti-Spyware: Provides for the security of personal data it provide protection against spyware.

  • Anti-Phishing: Phishing is a method to obtain the personal information of a user through email. Anti-phishing software protects against this type misfunctioning.

  • Outgoing Email Protection: It Protects outgoing emails from unwanted viral files attached to them by infected systems.

  • Incoming Email Protection: It Protects incoming emails from bringing infected files in to the computer system.

  • Instant Messaging Protection: Protects the user from receiving infected or unwanted files through instant message services.

  • On-Demand Scanning: It Offers opportunity to the user to scan a file or system on demand.

  • Scan Compressed File Forms: Allows users to scan compressed files such as zip and rar files before opening them.

How AVG different from other software
  • AVG offers Spying and Data Theft Protection which control the sharing of data type and other applications.

  • To delete your sensitive information permanently it provide File Shredder feature while others not.

  • You don’t need to register or give out any personal information to use AVG antivirus while in others you have to register first.

  • It provide the Remote Control via Web Portal.

  • It provide better help and support in compare to others.

  • It is best for social networking and parental monitoring.

Support for customer
  • If you have any problem in downloading AVG Antivirus you just need to dial AVG Antivirus Technical Support Number.

  • Tech team provide Support from AVG Antivirus Support team in purchasing AVG antivirus software.

  • AVG antivirus technical support provides assistance for complete web security through AVG antivirus program.