Does Your Crawl Space Have Enough Insulation?

Author: Kevin Smith

If you are like most homeowners, you probably rarely think about the area beneath your floorboards. In fact, you might only ever even use your crawl space to store holiday decorations, hide excess clutter, or stow family artifacts. Even though you might not give much thought to your crawl space, its condition is vital to the overall value, health, and comfort of your home. By watching for certain warning signs, you will likely know when you need to contract for the best crawl space insulation in Marietta, GA.

Is Your Crawl Space Wet?

A dry crawl space is a happy crawl space. If the area beneath your house tends to accumulate pools of water, you probably have a big problem. Fortunately, insulation specialists can likely seal the cracks and crevices that allow water to seep through your crawl space’s walls. Then, insulation contractors can probably add additional insulation, designed specifically to keep your basement or crawl space dry.

Is Your Crawl Space Humid?

Like wet crawl spaces, those with high levels of humidity can pose a significant problem. In fact, musty crawl spaces are effective breeding grounds for dangerous mold and mildew. Without addressing high humidity in your crawl space, you might begin to see negative health effects in yourself or your family. While there are many causes of excess humidity in crawl spaces, diligent homeowners can usually eliminate excess air moisture with better insulation. Thus, you might consider asking a contractor to inspect the area beneath your home. In extreme cases, you might need to schedule mold mitigation prior to beefing up your insulation. Nonetheless, if you do, you can likely be sure you will not have to battle mold and mildew in the future. The best crawl space insulation in Marietta, GA, often does an effective job at containing future mold growth.

Are Your Utility Bills High?

Many factors can contribute to high energy costs. If you are conducting an energy assessment, try not to forget about your crawl space. Without sufficient insulation, the area beneath your home can cause your utility costs to skyrocket. Even worse, poorly insulated crawl spaces can make a home cold in the winter and hot in the summer. Accordingly, if your home is not as comfortable as it should be or if you have high monthly utility bills, you might schedule a crawl space inspection. With just some enhancements to your insulation, you might save a considerable amount of money. Similarly, you might be able to boost the overall comfort level of your house with better insulation. An experienced insulation contractor can discuss your options with you and help you develop a plan for better insulating your crawl space.

No homeowner can afford to ignore the area beneath the home. Instead, those who care about the value of their houses must work to have well-insulated crawl spaces. Fortunately, the best crawl space insulation in Marietta, GA, can give any home the strong, dry foundation it needs. If you wonder whether you have enough insulation beneath your floors, watch for certain warning signs. Then, contract with an insulation specialist to keep your crawl space dry and secure.