How To Comeback if an Internship isn’t Going Your Way?

Author: Jennifer Tsai

Are you finding your internship a little boring? Is it falling short of your expectations? Are you finding yourself with a lot of free time? Are you getting fewer opportunities to learn and develop skills than you hoped for? Don’t worry! With some extra effort, you can turn this situation around into a fulfilling one.

Assess the Situation

If your internship is not going in the right direction, don’t panic. Take a step back and look at things objectively. Jot down all the things you expected would be different. Ask yourself questions such as:

  • What specifically do I not enjoy about this experience?
  • What were my expectations about this experience? Were they realistic? Where are they falling short?
  • However old fashioned this may seem, making a list will help you assess the situation by detangling your thoughts, pinpointing specific problems, and putting things in perspective. The first step to solving any problem is to identify and understand them. Once you’ve done so, it’ll be much easier to map out specific action plans or improvement points that will directly address these issues.

    Take initiative

    If you are finding yourself with more free time than you hoped for, then take initiative and explore opportunities to contribute meaningfully. Using your time during the internship efficiently will ensure you keep learning and discovering new things within the organization. Do not restrict yourself to the projects you have been assigned. It’s great to be a quick learner and competent at work, but if it means that you are left with some spare time, make the most of it to learn something extra.

    Start by actively interacting with your co-workers and others around you, getting to know what they’re working on, and offering whatever help or support you can give. Doing so will not only give you something to do, but you will probably learn something new. Remember, during an internship, learning can come from every possible direction, and not only from your direct project assignments.

    Speak to your coach

    If you feel like you have not been given as many tasks or opportunities as you had expected, seek the help of your supervisor or coach. Be diplomatic and professional, and explain your concerns, your expectations to make this internship a fruitful learning experience, and offer potential projects or tasks you’d like to get involved in. By highlighting your situation and suggesting potential solutions, your coach will be in a better position to help you.

    If you are having a tough time with your assignment, don’t be afraid to ask your coach for help! Request constructive criticism and suggestions on how to work differently, look for alternate information sources, etc. Open communication will help you both to be on the same page and work together to make a successful experience.

    Finally, take advantage of your coach, and request them to share their skills, knowledge and expertise. Most people love to share their own stories, and this will not only help in your professional development, but will certainly contribute to building a healthy, respecting relationship.

    Bond with colleagues

    Having a good relationship with your co-workers contributes a great deal to a positive internship experience. Positive relationships are easy to achieve but require conscious effort and some extra steps on your end. For example, reach out to your colleagues and fellow interns and try to know them, both on a work and personal level. Ask about their projects and what they’re working on. Participate in informal activities like grabbing lunch together, after-work coffee, and meetings outside of the office. While doing so, ensure you are professional, confident, trustworthy and yet friendly. By developing and managing such relationships, you will win advocates who can vouch for you as references when assessment time comes.

    Stay motivated

    When your internship is not going your way, it’s easy to feel discouraged. This is where it’s important to stay put and display your mental strength. It is up to you to make the most of the opportunity you’ve been given and turn your experience around into a positive one. The key lies in your willingness and motivation to achieve. Bring your A-game to your boss and show him your potential. Show your commitment and dedication to the job by always staying on top of your assignments. Remember, sometimes, an experience is as good or bad as we think. With some perspective, it’s easier to consciously choose to have a positive outlook, put on a smile and give your best.

    With these tips and tricks above, we hope you will be able to more objectively assess your experience, pinpoint problem areas that are causing discontent, and finally take control of your situation by making little changes in your own perspectives or your day-to-day that will change your internship into a fulfilling and satisfactory experience.