Some Facts About Rummy Game Culture In Our Country!

Author: Classic Rummy

13 cards rummy is not just a game in our country it is almost part of our culture. That is how much ingrained in our lives this game is. Considering the ramifications that rummy card games have on our lives, it definitely has many rituals and customs attached to it. In this article, we will look at some of the facts that are related to rummy game culture across the nation.

Here are some examples of how much it has affected our culture:

  • It is played during festivals as an invocation for the goddess of wealth: In our country we believe that the goddess of wealth is pleased when you give proper respect to her by using skill to acquire wealth. Since Indian rummy is a game of skill it is considered auspicious to play the game and the exchange of money to happen.

  • People are quite particular about the quality of the winning hand: When people play rummy on traditional occasions, they like to make it a party like atmosphere. But the one thing that everyone is particular about apart from playing the game to win is to ensure that the quality of the win is also good. Which means sequences of not more than 3-4 cards. Plus they also feel that the game should be played without any malpractices.

  • Addition of food and drinks always has added to the rummy game session: People tend to arrange food and soft drinks to accompany the game so that people can enjoy more. It is served in such a way that it does not interfere with the flow of the rummy card game. Usually small tables and mats are placed on the sides so that people can pick at their food and sip on the drinks without it hindering the game.

  • Chatting and gossiping is only allowed between the rounds and not during: Though an occasion where rummy games are played becomes a social celebration, people are quite particular to ensure that the game itself is played very seriously. To that end, there is a lot of banter, laughter and gossip but it is not allowed during the time when the game is on. People tend to talk more in between one game and another.

  • People are particular about settling dues won or lost during the rummy game: Though the game is for celebration and it is played in a fun and social spirit, people do tend to be quite adamant that players pay up and settle to keep the game fair and square.

As you can see rummy games have deep roots in our lives to the extent that they have become part of the cultural and social fabric of our lives. It is played for leisure, pleasure and fun but also has become a part of our social and cultural life. That is why the concept of online rummy games has taken off so well.


Rummy games have been a part of our lives in the past having evolved to many variants and getting entrenched in the fabric of our social and cultural aspects. The same dedication and love has also adhered to the online format of the game.