Why should you opt for pet friendly assisted living in Albuquerque?

Author: Vikram Kumar

Pets are an integral part of our life and fill our life with fun and enjoyment. It is for this reason that more than 75% of Americans own pets. Pets add a different kind of meaning to our existence and fill our hearts with love and compassion for those poor creatures. It is for this reason that most assisted living facilities are nowadays being turned into pet friendly assisted living in Albuquerque.

When a senior has to leave his own house to come and stay in an assisted living facility, he goes through a lot of conflicting emotions. Having a pet with him helps to ground his emotions and make him stress free. Pets often provide a sense of purpose in the elderly people’s life and help them to effectively fight against depression. Assisted facilities are nowadays being turned into pet friendly institutions. You can not only bring your pet to live with you but you will also be provided amenities to help your pet stay in comfort with you. Now, let us see why a pet friendly assisted living is a great idea for your parents-

  • Pets help to deal with isolation- After leaving their own house, seniors feel isolated Albuquerque Nursing Home. As a result, they seldom open up to anybody or talk to anybody. Studies have shown that having a pet entirely changes the situation. Seniors feel more at home in the assisted living facilities and readily communicate with everybody when they have their pets with them. This is because elderly people hardly feel isolated and alone when they have their loving pets with them.
  • Pets help to deal with depression- Most of the elderly people feel depressed when they move to an assisted living facility. They start suffering from chronic depression which steadily affects their health. However, it has been seen time and again that owning a pet changes the situation entirely. Pets help to uplift the moods of the patients. They provide the elderly people with a purpose in their life. They know that they have to look after their pets and this helps to abate the depression. It is for this reason many assisted living facilities are nowadays using pets in their therapy sessions. It has proven to help out elderly people with depression and fill them up with happiness.
  • Pets help elderly people to stay active- Another great benefit of pet friendly assisted living in Albuquerque is that pets help the elderly people to stay active and fit. The seniors know that they have to take care of the dog and hence their life falls into a set routine. They have to take the dog for a walk, provide them with food as well as spend time in exercising the dog. It has been seen that a set routine has helped a lot in the case of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia. A set routine helps to slow down their memory loss. Moreover, a healthy and active lifestyle also helps to deal with health problems like cholesterol. It has been seen that patients with pets adjust more readily to the assisted living facilities. They also live a healthier and prolonged life as compared to patients who do not have pets with them.

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Nowadays we can find many http://www.lifespireassistedliving.com/ pet friendly assisted living in Albuquerque. The pet friendly http://www.lifespireassistedliving.com/ Albuquerque Nursing Home helps the older patients to spend the last years of their lives in the company of man’s best friend.