Marketing with Profiles: Increasing Conversions Using Personalization

Author: Anthony Mandelli

Marketing with profiles is a worthy undertaking that will benefit not only your business, but your customers as well. Improving customer experience and the relevancy of your interactions, whether email, social, direct mail or digital advertising, is the best way to increase Conversions Using Personalization. Personalized profiles enhance your efforts in all these channels. They increase engagement on your social media channels and boost the ROI of your online ads.

Why does marketing with profiles work? Because they make the shopping experience easier, faster, and more productive. Additionally, they make shoppers feel that you’ve taken the bother to understand them and their needs. That you see them as a person rather than a faceless marketing target.

These campaigns may take various forms. For instance, you might make personalized product recommendations based on the products the shopper has viewed or shared. You might reach her with content specific to her interests, world-view, or self-image. Or you might send messaging specific to her location, the time of day, or current weather conditions.

The possibilities are endless, limited only by your imagination and the data you collect and analyze. Remember that this sort of hyper-relevance of interaction draws your shopper closer to you. It delivers value both now and in the long term. Below are just a few ways to use profiles to personalize your marketing.

Marketing with Profiles on Your Website

45% of shoppers say they’re more likely to shop on a site that offers personalized recommendations. Businesses personalizing web experiences report an average 19% increase in sales. Cue’s MyList can help you provide this personalized web experience to the customer.

My List lets customers save products, making their shopping easier and giving you inside info on their shopping and personal interests. It lets them share products, showing you their networks, friends, and conversations about your products. And it lets them set price alerts, elucidating their shopper persona and telling you the price that’ll close the sale.

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