Does Unlimited WHM Reseller Backup Web Hosting Really Works

Author: Jet Apps

In addition to signing up for an unlimited reseller you are offered a reseller hosting account control panel called Web Host Manager. It is popularly known as WHM reseller backup with unlimited features. Though there are many commercial control panels, experts often recommend cPanel which is the number one control panel hosting company. With cPanel / WHM you are ready to use the most trusted and reliable control panel proven time and time again for most resellers that offer hosting.

WHM auto backup is the interface that helps you to create your new customer accounts add domain names and run SSH commands. With a WHM interface it is simple to create new cPanel accounts for your clients. Moreover as an unlimited reseller web host you have the abilities to suspend, terminate and control every aspect of hosting accounts. cPanel or control panel is where the clients seek to administer their website. It also helps your websites to create more addon domains and much more.

If you are wondering whether the unlimited reseller account can create unlimited website / domain packages then yes, with cPanel your clients are allowed to register multiple domains on one single account, and use the hosting package without receiving bandwidth over-usage bills and disk space limitations on the cPanel package selected. How to Backup WHM is often a challenge for people using other web hosting than cPanel. But with a reliable cPanel web host you have unlimited reseller accounts that give you the freedom to sell web hosting without major restrictions and give your clients more value for their money.

Most of the unlimited reseller programs include a free domain reseller account, free WHMCS Backup Module and free WHM/cPanel control panel. Clients are happy with the benefits offered by a free Site builder tool often offered on all cPanel accounts and even free website templates offered as a value add service.

WHM Backup Script allows excellent security features averting the chances of unauthorized access to data as it is one of the critical issues from the perspective of web hosting. For users looking for the best security measures to save their personal data from getting into wrong hands, cPanel WHM allows you outstanding security against bandwidth theft on the part of other websites. Furthermore it allows you to maintain the highest level of security for your website. Similarly, you are protected against virus and spam as cPanel/WHM ensures that your website data is scanned and contains no spam or viruses.

Jetapps offers complete cPanel solutions at affordable prices. Unlimited reseller packages for WHM cPanel will help you with your online venture and give you the opportunity to resell faster and offer unlimited bandwidth and web space at affordable prices.