4 effective ways for men to remove body hair
When it comes to controlling their facial hair, men usually resort to the traditional shaving kits or an electric shaver or they also follow an easier way of choosing a men’s electric shaver to get rid of them. But what about the other hair growing uncontrollably all over the body? There are some very uncomfortable places in the body of men where growing hair can be highly inconvenient as well as unhygienic. For those who have high speed hair growth problems they cannot keep shaving them off every now and then although there are various options to do so like shaving and waxing and laser hair removal processes, but while some of them are the most uncomfortable means of hair removal for men while some can be immensely expensive.
In such cases it becomes necessary to look for some other alternative for hair removal which is safe and permanent like the natural methods. The main advantages of using natural methods of removing unwanted body hair is no laser treatments, no use of harsh chemicals on the skin and no use of razors and hence no chances of razor burns. Following are 4 effective and natural methods by which men can reduce the growth rate of their body hair:
1. Sugar, lemon and honey:
This is an alternative to costly paraffin wax used by most of those expensive spas and many of the hair removal clinics. Sugar turns thick and gets a wax like when it gets heated and when lemon is added to it, the color of the hair is bleached thus making it invisible to a certain extent. Mixing the sugar with honey makes the wax thicker and sticky but provides nourishment to your skin along with making it easier for the hair to be removed as painlessly as possible. Ensure that you have trimmed the hair of the area you want to remove them approximately 10 days before using this method.
Method: mix a tablespoon of sugar, honey and lemon juice each and heat them in a metal bowl in a double boiler. This will thicken the concoction without burning it and turn it into a paste like quality. If you find the mixture too thick then add water and if it turns out to be too thin then add corn starch. Also apply a little corn starch to the skin to avoid the liquid sticking to the skin. Use a wooden spatula to spread it on the skin in the hair direction and then use strip of waxing cloth and then rip it off.
2. Lentils and potato:
Potatoes are acidic which are useful in bleaching your hair color and the lentils help to make the use of potatoes more effective. You will also need honey and lemon juice apart from potatoes and lentils. Use an overnight soaked bowl of lentils and crush them in to a thick paste in a grinder. Add a potato in the mixture by crushing it and then add a table spoon of honey and lemon juice. Mix thoroughly and apply on the body and then rinse it off after 30 minutes.
3. Sugar and lemon:
This is the simplest of remedies but with the help of this remedy it will cause more of a bleaching effect rather than removal of hair. The acidic effect of lemon not only bleaches the hair but also burns the hair follicles which weakens them enough to reduce their growth speed and the vitamin C in the lemon juice will nourish your skin with nutrients which produce collagen and elastin.
Method: mix 2 tablespoons of sugar in an equal amount of lemon juice. Apply in on your skin in the direction of the hair growth. Let it dry for 20 minutes after which you will feel a pulling and cracking sensation of the skin. Wash it off with warm water in a circular rubbing motion.
4. Egg and cornstarch:
Apart from egg and cornstarch you will also need sugar for this method:
Use a mixing bowl to crack the egg white and add in a table spoon of cornstarch and sugar each. Give it a good mix to form a smooth and thick paste without lumps. Apply the paste leaving it on for approximate 25 minutes and then peel it off. You will see the hair on the skin coming off with it.
Using these natural ingredients is not only hygienic but also cost effective.