8 Keys to LED Video Wall Design & Installation

Author: Sameer Tendulkar

When you need to get revolutionary results from marketing initiatives such as the use of LED video walls, you need to make use of revolutionary tips and tricks in its design and display. Something as colossal as a video wall can be used as a game changing plan for your business, if you choose to use it wisely. There are 8 major keys to get video wall solutions up and running effectively. Here is a list of all the things that you can do to make your video walls work for your business:

  1. The Size: You need to be particular about the size of the wall that you create. When you have a good place to put up your display, it is important to make sure that you keep the size of the wall eye catching. You should be able to grab attention with the mere size of the LED video wall in India.

  1. The Location: When you are using something as high end as a video wall, you should put great amount of thought and planning in the process of locating it effectively. You should place it in a way that it does not get ignored by potential investors, patrons or buyers.

  1. The Technology: You should also pay special attention to the kind of technology that you use for your LED video walls. Gone are the days when you could pass off your marketing strategy as cool with pixelated displays and poor quality videos. The buyers demand better marketing to be able to feel convinced about investing in your idea.

  1. The Proportion: One of the most important keys to getting your display right is to keep it proportionate with the background or the location. In cases where the wall is too big or too small, it can become a problem for the viewers to remain focussed.

  1. Experimenting: you can choose to experiment with the LED video wall in India by using it as a free-standing feature or a partitioning wall. It can also be used as an eye catching form of window display to lure potential buyers to walk into a store just by looking at the video wall.

  1. Maintain Eye-level: It is highly essential to make sure that you fix video wall solutions at eye level to be able engage target audiences effectively. An ease in viewing the material on the video wall is important for it to bring business for your idea.

  1. Content: you can also make sure to display appealing content on the video walls in India. What you play on the wall is of great importance in achieving success from the video initiatives.

  1. Business co-relation: When you choose to use video wall solutions, you can choose to place it in such a way that it achieves patronization through business co-relation. Placing an ice-cream parlour ad near a bustling eatery can be your route to getting more business from the video wall.

When you make use of the 8 key aspects of marketing with the use of video walls, you can achieve wonders for your business initiative.

If you need the most reliable and modern video wall solutions for your business, you need to get in touch with Bitsy Displays.