Beginner's Guide to JQuery/Ajax Development

Author: Anuj Kumar

With the use of internet anything can be communicated topeople through the web. Soft-technology and its innovations have led to the development of many programming languages – each one better than the previous. The fluidity of operation that you experience in websites today is a result of these innovations and improvements. The PHP language has especially brought in many welcoming and desired changes in the way websites respond to visitor requests.

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor – it is a programming language that is now widely used and preferred for all web development purposes. The best convenience this language has offered to web developers is that it can be embedded into HTML, which means that using a “start” and “end” command, you can jump in and out of PHP elements in a coded HTML page. Another benefit to websites using PHP is that the client receives only the results of the code which is written; it essentially implies that the client has no way of knowing what the code was or how it was executed – only the result.

Newcomers can breathe a sigh of relief, as PHP is a really simple language to learn. That being said, it is no way a basic language. It has all the tools and features which an advanced programmer needs to run his website smoothly; this is what makes this language highly preferable.

Today, websites are highly advanced and use scripts like Ajax to create extremely responsive and real-time websites. Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is used to refresh parts of a page without having to reload the entire page – which is quite a useful feature these days. Facebook, Google Maps are two examples that use Ajax extensively.

Ajax can be used very well with PHP in the backend. It allows for a more fluid set up, and also opens up a variety of functions on the webpage. Normally with JavaScript, one would need to use the XMLHttpsRequest, which is a long and cumbersome method. Nobody has the time for that. Instead, the same request can be handled with Ajax with PHP, using a much simpler code and logically understandable actions. The basic steps one needs to follow to use Ajax with PHP are as follows.

  • Create an object with XMLHttpsRequest
  • A function then needs to be created which will be executed when server response is ready
  • Redirect this code to a PHP file on the server
  • The string entry will then be fetched which contains the parameters for the input value.

If you have not already migrated from JavaScript to Ajax, do it today!