New CNG Fuel Delivers Cost Savings & Environmental Benefits

Author: Lisa Jeeves

Many HGV operators will be welcoming the recent introduction of a new renewable biomethane fuel from Solihull-based CNG Fuels, the UK market leader in compressed natural gas. In much the same way as taking part in a freight exchange can offer great efficiencies, drivers who utilise this new fuel are set to benefit from savings in time, energy and cost.

A Sustainable Background

Announced by CNG Fuels last December, this fuel has already gained significant traction in the market with big name retailers such as John Lewis, Waitrose and Argos having made the decision to sign up their long-distance lorries. Asides from cost and efficiency benefits, the sourcing and refinement of the fuel is underwritten by sustainable practice.

The gas is captured as a bi-product from the processing of waste created by food production, before being transported via pipeline to CNG Fuel’s Crewe & Layland based refuelling stations. As a result, it comes government approved, qualifying for the Department of Transport’s Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) scheme, making CNG the first company in the UK to offer RFTO-approved biomethane. Those who buy it will also receive documentation outlining its carbon content and testifying to the fact that they have purchased a renewable fuel. Therefore, if you’re already making a difference environmentally by, for example, regularly taking part in a freight exchange, adoption of the fuel could boost your credentials in this respect even further.

Benefits on the Road

The advantages of this fuel don’t end during the production phase, and HGV drivers can make the most of a host of other benefits that running on this product will bring. Most significantly, operators can expect a fuel cost that is 35-40% cheaper compared to diesel, while also emitting 70% less CO2. For high-mileage HGV drivers (~125,000 miles per year), the extra cost of a CNG-powered truck compared to diesel can be won back within 2 to 3 years as a result. Biomethane CNG currently sells at 65p/kg (including fuel duty, before VAT), with discounts available when buying in bulk.

Also worth noting: CNG fuel-powered engines are up to 50% quieter than their diesel equivalents and meet the most recent Euro 6 emissions standards.

Operators can also be assured by the development of an extensive network of refuelling stations across the UK. These will be placed on primary trunking routes that are fed by the high-pressure gas grid. ‘Daughter’ stations will also be established in customer depots within a 100 mile reach of the central stations, and will offer the option of gas delivery via trailer. You’ll therefore have plenty of options to refuel if, for example, you find yourself looking a little low while taking on backloads via the freight exchange.

If you’re a long-haul HGV driver this new, cost effective and low carbon product from CNG is worth serious consideration.

Norman Dulwich is a Correspondent for Haulage Exchange, the leading online trade network for the road transport industry. Connecting logistics professionals across the UK and Europe through their online freight exchange, Haulage Exchange provides services for matching loads and with available drivers. Over 4,000 transport exchange businesses are networked together through their website, trading jobs and capacity in a safe 'wholesale' environment.