Tenderness In Abdominal Area? It May Be Jaundice

Author: Ramdev Medicine

The white portion of the eyes and the skin pallor turns yellow in jaundice. This yellowness in the pallor is because there is presence of a yellow pigment called bilirubin in the blood. The medical condition of skin yellowing is termed as hyperbilirubinemia.

Red blood cells carry oxygen from one part of the body to another with the help of hemoglobin. In this process recycling of damaged and old RBC’s also takes place. Bilirubin travels through the blood and goes to the liver to bind with bile and it is then taken to the digestive tract for elimination from human body. What happens if most of bilirubin does not get excreted through the stool or urine and remains in the liver, because of some reason?

In this case, the bilirubin shows up on the skin and in blood and the condition is termed as jaundice. The stool becomes light colored and the urine turns dark. There may be some blockage and bilirubin does not shed out with stool and it is excreted in more than normal amount through urine. High bilirubin accumulating in the blood stream breaks down and the toxic substances left over as a result can lead to itching on the body. In severe cases, this can also cause brain damage and other serious problems. Brain may get affected because the toxic substances in the blood lead to alterations in mental functions. Common symptoms that accompany are vomiting, nausea and pain in the abdomen. Men also show shrunken testes, enlarged breasts and pubic hair.

You need to increase the carbohydrate levels in your diet if there is indication of jaundice. You can also try out the safe and effective ayurvedic therapy, Swami Ramdev ayurvedic medicine for jaundice, to restore the liver functioning. This medication is prepared out of natural means and helps improve the nutrition to the liver. Don’t worry if your pallor is yellow because of the huge number of carrots you ate at lunch yesterday that is certainly not jaundice. Check on the rest of the symptoms before you get into a worried frenzy.

Jaundice may be caused because of some kind of liver damage or interference in the free flow of bile. If a medical complication acts as a catalyst and starts causing destruction of red blood cells then also it causes jaundice. Consuming large quantities of alcohol on a regular basis can also lead to this condition of the liver. Sometimes exposure to a medical drug over a long time or a reaction to a medicinal herb or drug can also increase the toxicity levels of the blood and lead to jaundice.

This damages the liver and its functioning. The liver slowly becomes inefficient and cannot move bilirubin to the bile ducts for removal easily. It maybe a small miniscule gall bladder stone that may be stopping the flow of bile juice or there are other reasons too. Jaundice may have a heredity inflection and the natural bilirubin removal functioning may be affected because of this. To identify the state it’s a must to pay the physician a visit and schedule some blood and urine tests. Be extra careful if you have severe tenderness in the abdomen along with pain in the area. Bloody or tarry stools that are dark and onset of fever need to be investigated properly. Easy bruises and mental confusion may also speak of faulty liver functioning.