Portable Biometric Authentication Systems - Making Your Devices Secure

Author: Digitalpersona Inc
In this age of information technology, whoever has control and access to data has the power to change the way his world moves. And the person with an unauthorized access to information holds an even greater power. He/she can very easily and quite effectively change the course of events to suit their own dubious plans and desires. From the quotation on the next contract bid to the financial statements that have not been made public yet, anything to everything can used to one’s advantage. Plus there are the dangers of identity theft and frauds to consider. All in all, leaving data unattended, even on your personal devices is not a wise thing to do.

There are many ways in which you can protect the integrity of the data that is stored on your personal as well as work devices. Everything from PDSs to smartphones and even laptops can be secured if you have the right tools and passwords are not one of them. This age old technology has become more or less redundant in today’s day of advanced hacking tactics. Plus you have to remember that if a person is close enough to you to be able to get his hands on your personal gadgets, he will also be able to successfully guess your password as well after a few tries. A simple password management system might not be sufficient in today’s age.

What you need is a stronger authentication mechanism, one that can ensure that it is only YOU who is using the device and no one else. And to make that happen, the need will be for an identification factor that is unique to you only, something that cannot be faked. Biometrics come in handy here. These factors, including fingerprints, retina patterns, voice modulation and the like, hold direct correlation to the person they belong to and cannot be faked, copied or guessed by any technology. And for the purpose of identification, you need biometric access control systems.

These systems ensure that other than yourself or an authorized user, no one can even open your device let alone access your data or copy it. The logic behind the working of these biometric access control systems is simple – storing biological markers and other unique user data in a centralized database and matching it against the data being supplier by a user for the purpose of authentication. Since these markers cannot be faked or copied, and of course guessing isn’t even an option here, your gadgets and the data stored in them is more or less secure.

Of course there is the possibility of someone hacking into this database itself and finding a way to change the biometric access control system to their advantage, but the chances of that happening are pretty slim. No one but experienced and exceptionally skilled hackers can manage to penetrate these security systems. Plus, their manufacturers work day and night to ensure that this number is reduced to zero. Mostly, the people you work or interact with will not be able to fool these systems and gain unauthorized access to your personal devices or data.

Have any doubts about biometric access control systems? Visit http://www.digitalpersona.com/ to resolve all your queries.

About The Author

Benson Hedge is a pioneer in the field of biometric identification and runs his own organization manufacturing security systems relating to this technology. He also likes to spread awareness about the many aspects related to the industry through the many informative articles he writes.