Keep Your Pool Warm With Geothermal Pool Heat Pumps

Author: Margaret Sims

Swimming pools are extreme fun when the sun goes up and you try your best to avoid outdoor excursions because of the scorching heat. Just lying on the pool with the help of floaters or swimming like a fish always refreshes you during the summers. But when you are an ultimate pool lover, how to resist the pools during winters? We have got the solution for you. This article is going to tell you a variety of geothermal heating methods to keep your pool warm so that you can enjoy swimming even in winters.

If you are feeling ecstatic about buying a pool heater for winters, it is crucial to know about all types of heating methods available in the market. It will help you choose a device that suits your budget and personal requirements. Here are the most common pool heating devices used for domestic and commercial purposes.

Electric resistance heaters: As electricity is the most common source for performing mechanical tasks, electric heaters are a common tool for pool heating. It comes with a resistor which is placed inside the pool and heated using electric current. This is a comparatively slow heating process as each time resistor cools down to get heated. It is suitable for small pools. These are cheaper than other methods and safe for environment too.

Gas heaters: Gas heaters use either natural gas or propane for pool heating. Natural gas heaters are cheaper and much effective if the pool heating is required for shorter time such as at homes. On the other hand, propane pool heaters are better for longer pool usage such as commercial pools.

Heat pumps: Geothermal pool heat pumps are cost-effective in the long run as they use less energy than other pool heating methods. Heat pumps can transfer heat to your pool either by using electricity or air as a medium. Their annual cost is quite less than gas and electric heating. Heat pumps are also environment-friendly heating sources.

Solar heaters: The most economical and environment friendly pool heaters are solar ones. They use solar panels to transfer heat to your pool. Besides all the good points, the only drawback they have is that they work only under the sun. They will be useless if you want to go inside the pool on a cloudy day. For more information on commercial pool heaters in Florida, you can search various online stores.