What's forcing the rising need for self-storage

Author: Anna Preston

Self-storage has been big business is the US for many years but more recently storage units have been popping up all over the UK. They tend to be well run, clean, well-lit and secure and changes in lifestyles and circumstances mean that an increasing number of people are seeking them out.


There is a trend to a more minimalist way of life and clutter doesn't fit into this image. Television shows and magazines are forever encouraging us to de-clutter our homes but we find it hard to part with our treasured possessions. We may want to save certain pieces to pass on to offspring or keep items that might come back into fashion. Either way, self-storage units are a great way of keeping personal effects safe or delaying the final decision to part with them. We can put off the decision to sort through our possessions until another day by boxing them up and dealing with them later.


A secure, dry storage unit can be a useful place to keep items that could be attractive to burglars but tricky to look after at home, such as bikes. It you are worried that your home security isn't good enough to cover high values items, a secure lock up that is kept under surveillance is a good alternative. There are an increasing number of people choosing to work from home which is great for flexibility but poses a problem in terms of equipment and documents. Self-storage is a good option for keeping files dry, safe and tidy. Likewise, tradesmen who own a lot of expensive tools often feel happier to store them away in self-storage overnight, rather than in a van which can be a target for thieves.


When children go off to university they accumulate their own possessions and furniture but very often need to move back home during the holidays or after graduation to go off on a Gap year, find a job or save up for a home of their own. Self-storage offers a helpful solution for parents who don't have the space to accommodate the excess belongings.

Changes in family life

An increasing number of divorces means that many people need to downsize or move into temporary accommodation. Self-storage can provide a solution whilst situations are being settled. The changing nature of our lifestyles in the 21st century mean that it's not unusual for families to move abroad for work for a limited time. Possessions may need to go into storage if property is being rented out.


With the cost of houses continually on the rise, more and more of us are choosing to extend or renovate rather than moving. It's common for families to choose self-storage whilst work is being done to keep belongings safe and clean.

Self-storage units provide helpful long and short solutions to our storage quandaries and can give us peace of mind about security and buy us some time in dealing with changes in our circumstances until we can find a more permanent solution.