Need For A Professional In FUE Hair Transplantation
Follicular unit extraction can also be called follicular transfer. It is one of the main methods of getting follicular units. These are groups of one to four strands that occur naturally and are necessary for transplantation of hair. This method of FUE Hair Transplant is known as strip harvesting. In such harvesting, the individual units of follicle are extracted from the donor area of the patient undergoing the process. It is done one strand at a time. It is a little different from strip harvesting where a strip of the skin is removed and cut into many individual units of the follicle. However, the units obtained by using any of the previous methods are the fundamental steps in follicular unit transplantation.
Successful Follicular Unit Transplantation
Only when the follicular units survive upon being extracted from the region of the scalp can the FUE Hair Transplant be considered to be successful. However, if such units get transacted within the process of extraction, these may not survive. In this case, the transplant will completely fail. The method which makes use of strip harvesting guarantees the survival of a larger number of units. However, it can transact the grafts and make them completely useless.
Scarring Caused by Surgery
The FUE Hair Transplant process can cause pit scarring. It results in white scars in the donor area of the patient. This is the area where the grafts have been purposefully removed. However, in strip harvesting, the scar that is produced is linear when the skin is removed from the donor area. However, such scars are very difficult to find when the strands have grown to a normal length in the donor area. Moreover, it is very important that the surgery is performed by a skilled surgeon for the scars on the donor area to remain hidden. This is one of the main reasons why patients should opt for well-known and reliable clinics and doctors.
Now Recovery Time
The patient recovery time for FUE Hair Transplant is much quicker. It also has a much lower rate of post-operative discomfort. It can be utilised when the scalp of the patient is very tight and cannot be used for an excision of a strip. It allows a surgeon to transplant finer strands from the neck region on to the hairline or even the eyebrows. But the area utilised will be much greater as compared to follicular unit transplantation.
The Harvest Area
The size of the harvest area for FUE Hair Transplant procedure can be larger than that of the area created by an FUT by almost eight times. Hence, patients have to trim hair over a much greater area. Thus, the hair present in the upper and the lower portions of the area from where the hair was taken can become very thin and make the scars very visible. Moreover, the harvested follicles may not always be permanent, and over time the effects of the transplant can be lost. Hence, a professional is essential to avoid any risks and perform the surgery well.
Panacea Global Hair Services is pioneers in hair transplantation with an experience of over 5 years. Book an appointment with our specialists for Best Hair Transplant in Delhi. Choose from Hair Transplant Clinics in New Delhi and compare prices, patient reviews, and availability.