Factors That Influence Handmade Jewellery Designs UK
Desire to wear jewellery is prevalent in men and women since the beginning of humankind. Jewellery is often cherished by people, and passed on to generations as a token of love and honor. Contemporary jewellery designed by contemporary jewellery designers often does not have any particular meaning or relevance. But handmade jewellery designs UK are unique, trendy, artistically pleasing as well as well-balanced. Usually, designing of jewellery starts from pearls or gems, and extends to finding inspiration and particular thinking. Jewellery can be worn to serve several different purposes, and it can significantly inspire its design.
Jewellery can be worn
as a decorative piece
as a charm or amulet
as an identification of a tribe or culture
as a religious representation
In most cases, handmade jewellery designs UK are somehow determined by the purpose of jewellery. If the jewellery is designed as a charm or amulet, then it needs to contain certain elements that are determined by the shaman to protect the wearer against the evil spirits. Usually, these jewellery pieces are passed down to generations. Before the metals were discovered, these jewellery pieces were made of skin, hair and bones of animals, and sometimes rare elements of nature like shells.
Jewellery designed to represent a tribe or culture is also often dominated by symbols and designed set by the hierarchy of generations. The designers do not have the liberty of free thinking, and cannot come up with many new ideas for designing.
Religious symbols have contributed to the handmade jewellery designs UK for centuries. Almost every religion has certain sacred symbols and metaphors, and new designs can be made only by adding some periphery to the icons.’
As far as jewellery designs for decorative purposes are concerned, handmade jewellery designers have a plethora of ideas to come up with. When you go to a jewellery store, it becomes difficult to find a piece that you have never seen before. For example, most solitaire diamond rings look alike, because this design is trendy and sells well. Handmade jewellery designers take pride in their unique range of jewellery designs, all made with outstanding quality. Their designs are largely influenced by cubism, modern Bauhaus architecture, impressionism etc. It is difficult to say where these designs come from, but the fact is that each handmade jewellery piece is unique, and you will not find any two pieces with exactly the same design.
For more information please visit Unique Handmade Jewellery UK and Handmade Jewellery UK