Why Is Cloud VPS Hosting Beneficial?

Author: Eva Maris

Shared hosting plans have always been the first choice for startups because of their affordability. However, with the introduction of Virtual Private Server hosting plans, the scenario changed. Recently with the launch of cloud VPS hosting solutions, there have been more changes. More and more enterprises are now looking for cloud VPS hosting because in this, you only pay for the resources and functions you want and nothing extra. Moreover, the cloud virtual private server hosting providers will also let you make whatever changes you want to your plans at any point of time. These changes may be required in order to keep the site updated. So, the cloud virtual private servers are scalable, and the platform can accommodate changes any time.

What benefits can cloud VPS hosting offer you?

  • When you choose to sign up for cloud VPS hosting plans, you can be confident that the data will get stored in a secure manner on the virtual private server platform. Unlike in other types of hosting where data stored in hard drives can get damaged, here the data is stored in virtual servers.
  • It is well known that a slow loading site can be very frustrating for viewers. They will typically abandon such a site and navigate to others where the page loading is quicker. When you choose cloud virtaul private server hosting, you can be certain of faster speeds. You can get extra resources like higher bandwidth whenever you need it; so chances of the site slowing down are much lesser.
  • The only difference with the traditional VPS hosting in India is that in cloud VPS, there are many users sharing the virtual server. It works very similar to a physical server which is shared by multiple users. But compared to the number of users in traditional hosting, here the numbers of shared users is far less. Cloud technologies guarantee redundancy which means that data accessibility is uninterrupted through a hassle-free process which stores the data across multiple physical servers. This kind of redundancy protects your data against hardware malfunctioning and sudden power outages which can affect data availability.
  • With cloud VPS hosting, server installation process is also far simple. You can customize the set-up according to your business requirements. Here, you will find an easy-to-use control panel which will allow you to manage the virtual server and also monitor the performances. You can also count on the support from technically qualified and experienced staff any time of the day or night.

These benefits show why cloud VPS hosting is so popular among businesses. It guarantees better stability and quicker access to data through virtual servers. Moreover, these virtual servers also guarantee a very high uptime of almost 100%. The security is in the hands of certified professionals and you can be certain that data storage will be absolutely secure. The high redundancy ensures that it is a robust and fault-proof system through which you can get data from anywhere on the globe. So, the cloud virtual private server can be a great solution for high-traffic sites.