Productive business analysis with embedded analytics

Author: Annie  Kellogg

Productive business analysis with embedded analytics

Embedded analytics is an opportunity for conducting business analytics (BI) managing relationships with the customer base, planning all the resources of the organization, automating the financial system and conducting marketing. Thanks to embedded bi it is possible to implement the daily tasks of the company. Working in real time makes it possible to make effective decisions. The operational analytics program has the functionality of Google Analytics. The application has an enterprise dashboard that displays data and analysis of current workflows, as well as interactive and statistical information and mobile data.

The main function of operational analytics is that the program contributes to the more rational operation of users by combining analytics and data for efficient business management and solving various problems with business. This approach is a kind of contrast with the usual traditional business analytics.

Functionality of operational analytics

The general features of embedded analytics are:

  • Enterprise dashboard and display information through diagrams or graphs with

productivity parameters;

  • statistical data and interactive reports in tables or without them including the possibility of planning work;
  • Benchmarking or more precisely comparing productivity statistics with advanced methods obtained from external data;
  • operational analytics and special requests which allow you to set specific demands about metrics examine the information received and create your own reports and dashboards;
  • mobile reports through which interactive functions are performed on mobile gadgets;
  • various visual processes such as the availability of transaction capabilities in the program interface

What is embedded analytics?

Embedded BI is a complex of independent processes and technologies that combine the indicators of various sources for making analysis and then provide a report and a final analysis from a general point of view. This is the most optimized way to manage information of all categories. Such a system is specially designed for those whose responsibilities include the analysis of indicators.

Operational analytics is a complex of functions that exist in applications such as CRM, information portals, ERP and financial management systems. Such applications make it possible to be more aware to explore the context or to use analytic functions and to make effective decisions on many issues.

You may need information from several systems for such tasks. The output of this data is not just a general overview of the indicators but specific target information for performing certain actions.

The interface of the embedded bi application is different from the traditional bi. It is required to switch different applications to work with the traditional program in order to obtain the necessary data and perform actions with specific information. Embedded analytics contains intelligent data in applications that are used daily by users. This helps to work more productively and is organized by combining all data in only one application.

Embedded bi integrates all the actions into one context by implementing analytics in working platforms and business applications. The process of implementing analytics into applications is possible in several ways. The most popular way of embedding is Inline Analytics.