Parts Washer Recycling: Find Out The Solution To Reduce The Operation Cost Of Aqueous Parts Washer

Author: Steven Kyle

The use of water based solvents in the process of parts washer cleaning has come forth as a wonderful eco-friendly alternative to conventional ozone-depleting solvents. However, when it comes to the operational costs, there is a considerable rise especially in a batch process. The latter refers to when the cleaning solution has been exhausted by accumulated oils and soils. Not only that, the higher expenditure continues in cleaner replacements and waste disposal.

l An easy cost-cutting solution

If you thought that there is no other way but to accept the high costs, you were mistaken. One solution to bring down the costs in case of water based parts washer recycling is the use of a cleaner recycling solution known as Membrane UF. This Cleaner Recycling System acts as a barrier to the free floating and emulsified oil phases. At the same time, it passes the free detergent and water. In addition to that, the membrane continuously traps the oily and soiled phases in the working tank, once it has been designed into a certain system. Simultaneously, it keeps recycling regenerated cleaner solvent back to the parts washer sump.

l How exactly does the membrane help reduce costs?

With the help of the Membrane UF, time-dependent oil concentration profiles can be obtained. That basically means that low steady state oil levels can be maintained by filtering as little as half the washer volume per day. In other words, this makes it possible to use relatively small, economical filtration systems to recycle and achieve a significant improvement in washer performance.

It is a known fact that recycle systems will have a great impact on process cost and part quality. Also, savings are realized through reductions in the consumption as well as the disposal of spent cleaner.

l Additional advantages of the Membrane UF

The barrier allows a higher level, consistent cleaning of the parts. As a result, processes like painting and electroplating of the surfaces improve and get quicker too. These benefits can result in even greater cost savings than what is anticipated due to the minimization of cleaner usage and disposal rates. Also, it is important to note that the cleaning fluid is regenerated, the contents in the working tank can be intermittently batched down and rework rates too are lowered because of the production of higher quality parts. Totally ideal for aqueous cleaner recycling application, the entire system shows a significant improvement at every stage of all the processes.