Weight Loss Through Ayurveda – Achieving Fitness Through Nature’s Goodness
But what would you say if we told you that weight loss is achievable, and in fact easy to manage?
No, we aren’t joking! Nature has solutions for each and every health issue faced by us humans and Ayurveda can help you find it. All you need to do is visit the best Melbourne wellness center for ayurvedic weight loss treatment and you will soon have that toned, slim and fit body that you always wanted for yourself. Let’s explore:
The ayurvedic perspective
Ayurveda is a healing philosophy that views each individual is different and his/her body is unique. This uniqueness stems from the specific equilibrium that their body requires to remain healthy. Ayurvedic weight loss therefore, aims to help the patient achieve that state of equilibrium, thereby allowing their body to shed the extra flab in a natural and healthy manner and achieve toning and fitness. According to Ayurveda, being overweight involves an inherent excess in kapha dosha. While kapha may not be the only factor at play in your struggle with excess weight, it is certainly an important player. To counter the effects of excess kapha, ayurvedic herbs and therapies are used to induce natural weight loss and balance.
The ayurvedic treatment
Your ayurvedic clinic in Melbourne will require certain commitments from you for effective weight loss in Melbourne. These are:
#Yoga: You will be introduced to weight loss inducing and flexibility improving Yoga poses that you will have to practice for at least fifteen minutes every day. These will increase and balance the energy flowing through your body, improve blood circulation and help your body regain its natural rhythm.
#Meals: Ayurveda doesn’t believe in the diet method for weight loss. On the contrary, it requires patients to eat three full, satisfactory meals each day that balance nutrients and provide necessary sustenance to the body. Starving for weight loss is never recommended as part of an ayurvedic weight loss regime.
#Detox: Your doctor will also require you to take up detox therapies like panchkarma for removing excess waste and clearing the way for the natural energy in your body to flow freely. This aspect will improve your natural healing and nutrient absorption capabilities, thereby leading you towards a better state of health.
#Kapha: The doctor, through his Ayurveda training, will help you plan a kapha-pacification program for your daily needs, suggesting eating and habit changes for balancing this dosha in your body. In essence, a kapha-pacifying diet seeks to neutralize excess kapha by emphasizing foods that are light, warm, dry, rough, and very digestible. In general, choose whole foods that are freshly prepared and seasonally appropriate over processed foods, or cold, stale foods.
So visit an ayurvedic doctor or naturopath in Northcote and begin your journey towards weight loss and fitness.
Dr Gurnam Saini and Pooja Saini are certified practitioners and propagators of Ayurvedic medicine and practice. They have been in Australia for medical practice in Ayurveda for over five years. They both strongly recommend Pureherbalayurved.com.au as the preferred destination for natural treatments for your bodily ailments