Mistakes committed by small businesses regarding their online presence

Author: Caroline Murphy

A consistent online presence is a key to a good traffic at the company’s website. Usually, small businesses tend to develop websites with the help of services of the website designing companies in Mumbai and also provide the right SEO also by hiring the top SEO company in Mumbai. But they should understand that doing all this is not enough if you are not able to maintain the online presence of the businesses. Because of their size of the businesses, small business owners find it daunting to look for the best online opportunities in the online world.

Following are some of the common mistakes committed by small businesses which affect their online presence and hence reducing chances of progress for the business:

1. Turning their back towards the local SEO:

Internet users as high as 95% use the search engines to search for something in the local vicinity like ‘best restaurant near me’. if you are turning your back towards the local SEO you are turning away from a large portion of your prospective clients. Optimize your website for local searches and make yourself visible to the local searchers as well with the help of the following ways:

  • Check with Google for My Business listings
  • Include Google map in your website with your location flagged
  • The page content and meta tag of your website be optimized for local content.
  • The contact information provided on your website as well as the other online platforms should be consistent.
2. No facility to connect with the modern users:

By saying the modern users we mean people who like to conduct searches on the go with the help of their smartphones and not by sticking to their seats and using a desktop computer to do so. For a website to be accessible to such users it needs to be optimized for responsiveness. A responsive website is which works not only on a desktop computer but which is optimized to show consistent web pages in a smartphone device also. If your website is not able to do this, then you are in trouble.

3. Ignoring the customer reviews:

Don’t tell me you personally do not check the reviews before buying a product or services online. The reviews and ratings on online products and services serve as personal recommendations to the readers and it helps them make a decision about buying the product. Small businesses that have positive reviews about them on their website serves as a social proof of their work and helps increase trust among their clients. Even negative reviews serve a purpose as they help the business to understand its shortcomings and help them grow.

4. Little or no communication with the customers:

To achieve your future goals of the organization it is necessary to listen to your customers now. A business which has a consistent online presence looks out for their customer’s needs and finds ways to genuinely help them. This helps them increase the current sales and look for prospective leads.

This mistake a not such that cannot be rectified by a few planned processes and by taking the right steps in the right direction.