Selenium webdriver online training

Author: Kalpana Hh

Selenium is a web application testing framework that allows you to write tests in many programming languages like Java, C#, Groovy, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby. Selenium deploys on Windows, Linux, and MAC OS.

It is an open-source project, released under the Apache 2.0 license, so you can download and use it without charge.


1.Selenium Core (aka Core) is a set of JavaScript scripts that control the browser, imitating user activity. These scripts are injected into the web page and executed according to a list of actions written in a special HTML-table-based command language (aka Selense), thus simulating user activity.Selense), thus simulating user activity.2.Selenium RC (aka Selenium Remote Control or Selenium 1) receives Selenium Core commands via HTTP and executes them on a remote machine, proxying the web browser in order to avoid the "same host origin" restriction. This also allows writing the tests in other languages like C#, Python, Perl, PHP, Java and Ruby (via language bindings for Selenium Core).3.Selenium-WebDriver (aka WebDriver or Selenium 2) is a successor of Selenium RC. It does the same job, but in a different way: instead of injecting a JavaScript code into the browser to simulate user actions, it uses the browser’s native support for automation (different for each browser). Also, instead of a dictionary-based API (used in Selenium RC), it offers the more convenient object-oriented API.4.Selenium Server allows using Selenium-WebDriver on a remote machine.5.Selenium IDE is a Firefox add-on that records user activity and creates a test case based on it. It can also play the tests back and save them as a program in different languages.6.Selenium-Grid allows you run the tests on different machines against different browsers in parallel; in other words it enables distributed test execution.7.Selenese is a special "language" represented by a set of Selenium commands that run your tests. A sequence of these commands is called a test script.

Selenium WebDriver supports many more powerful features which are not supported in the primitive Selenium rc 1.x. Learning curve for Selenium Web Driver is less, as you don’t need to have knowledge of Selenium RC and you can directly start working on WebDriver. One advantage over Selenium testing on RC is that you don’t need to start the server prior to executing test scripts. The goal of the WebDriver’s to provide a well-designed object-oriented API which gives you the enhanced hold up for modern advanced web-app testing problems

Selenium is portable software testing tool to test web applications.Join selenium online training and build your career graph with well structured online course pattern. If you have already learnt selenium IDE it would be an additional benefit to your learning mode.selenium webdriver online training course contain below phases:

1.Introduction to basic java concepts of selenium webdriver training2.Introduction to selenium installation and selenium configuration3.How to configure JUnit with web driver4.How to create test report with JUnit5.How to locate elements in web driver6.How to use selenium grid7.How to generate synchronization to reduce intermittency8.How to use the functionality of web drivers9.How to run test applications on different browsers10.How to combine the usage of java script in testing process11.How to use CSS selectors and XPath selectors in location strategies

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