Frequently asked interview questions with answers in Selenium Testing

Author: Info Campus
Selenium is a champion among the most pervasive mechanization testing suites. Selenium is laid out in a way to deal with support and engage automation testing helpful for applications. In this article, Selenium request questions including Selenium WebDriver request questions are cleared up.

Why Selenium?

As the present business designs have exhibited that there is mass advancement towards motorization testing. The gathering of dull manual testing circumstances has raised a demand to get the demonstration of automating these manual circumstances.

The benefits of completing robotization test are many; allowed us to explore them:

  • Supports execution of reiterated test cases
  • Aids in testing a significant test lattice
  • Enables parallel execution
  • Encourages unattended execution
  • Improves precision thusly decreasing human made missteps
  • Saves time and money

Lets start with Selenium a chance to inquiries Questions and Answers:

What is Automation Testing?

Mechanization testing or Test Automation is a methodology of modernizing the manual technique to test the application/structure under test. Motorization testing incorporates use to an alternate testing contraption which allows you to make test scripts which can be executed again and again and doesn't require any manual intervention.

Why should Selenium be picked as a test apparatus?

  • Selenium is free and open source.
  • Have a huge customer base and helping gatherings.
  • Have cross Browser closeness (Firefox, chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari etc.)
  • Have magnificent stage closeness (Windows, Mac OS, Linux et cetera.)
  • Supports diverse programming tongues (Java, C#, Ruby, Python, and Pearl etc.)
  • has fresh and reliable storage facility upgrades
  • supports scattered testing

What is Selenium? What are the distinctive Selenium parts?

Selenium is a champion among the most prevalent robotized testing suites. Selenium is orchestrated in an approach to manage fortify and support mechanization testing of sensible parts of electronic applications and a wide arrangement of ventures and stages. Because of its reality in the open source gathering, it has wound up being a champion among the most perceived devices among the testing experts.

Selenium is not only a particular instrument or a utility, rather a stack of several testing devices and for a similar reason it is intimated as a Suite. Each of these mechanical congregations is proposed to give sustenance unmistakable testing and test condition necessities.

The suite bundle constitutes of the running with blueprints of devices:

  1. Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE) – Selenium IDE is a record and playback contraption. It is scattered as a Firefox Plugin.
  2. Selenium Remote Control (RC) – Selenium RC is a server that enables client to make test scripts in a pined for programming language. It also permits executing test scripts inside the broad extent of undertakings.
  3. Selenium WebDriver – WebDriver is a substitute instrument all around that has various focal concentrations over Selenium RC. WebDriver obviously chats with the web program and uses its neighborhood comparability to robotize.
  4. Selenium Grid – Selenium Grid is utilized to stream your test execution on different stages and conditions in the meantime.

What are the attempting sorts that can be maintained by Selenium?

Selenium supports the going with sorts of testing:

  1. Functional Testing
  2. Regression Testing

What are the limitations of Selenium?

Following are the limitations of Selenium:

  • Selenium supports testing of simply online applications
  • Mobile applications can't be taken a stab at using Selenium
  • Captcha and Bar code perusers can't be taken a stab at using Selenium
  • Reports must be created using pariah gadgets like TestNG or Junit.
  • As Selenium is a free gadget, thusly there is no readied vendor support however the customer can find different helping gatherings.
  • User is required to have before programming vernacular data.

What is Selenese?

Selenese is the vernacular which is used to create test scripts in Selenium IDE.

What are the differing sorts of locators in Selenium?

Locator can be named as an address that recognizes a web segment strikingly inside the site page. In this way, to recognize web parts absolutely and accurately we have differing sorts of locators in Selenium:

  • ID
  • ClassName
  • Name
  • TagName
  • LinkText
  • PartialLinkText
  • Xpath
  • CSS Selector
  • DOM

What is difference among Assert and verify commands?

Assert: Assert arrange checks whether the given condition is legitimate or false. Assume we confirm whether the given segment is accessible on the site page or not. In case the condition is certifiable then the program control will execute the accompanying test step however if the condition is false, the execution would stop and no further test would be executed.

Affirm: Verify arrange moreover checks whether the given condition is legitimate or false. Notwithstanding the condition being substantial or false, the program execution doesn't stops i.e. any mistake in the midst of affirmation would not stop the execution and all the test steps would be executed.

What is the different type of waits in WebDriver?

There are two sorts of holds up open in WebDriver:

  1. Implicit Wait
  2. Explicit Wait

Certain Wait: Implicit holds up are used to surrender a default holding time (say 30 seconds) between each progressive test step/summon over the entire test script. In this way, coming about test step would simply execute when the 30 seconds have gone in the wake of executing the past test step/arrange.

Unequivocal Wait: Explicit holds up are used to stop the execution till the time a particular condition is met or the most outrageous time has passed. Not at all like Implicit holds up, unequivocal sits tight are associated for a particular case so to speak.

About Author:

Infocampus is a best selenium training institute in Bangalore. It offers selenium training with real time projects. Candidates will get practical oriented Selenium Courses in Bangalore at Infocampus. Contact 9738001024 to attend free demo classes. Visit for much more details on selenium training in Bangalore.