How to Compact with Online Math Tutors

Author: Will Smith

Did you know that 69% of students fail math? This means that your kid has almost seven out of 10 chances of getting an F on his report card for math and math-related subjects. According to the Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the phenomenon called Math Anxiety is a real condition that millions of students need to deal with. These students experience real panic. One way that parents have been able to help their children cope with their math anxiety is by hiring a math tutor.

However, kids are not really that receptive when it comes to the traditional math tutorial sessions of having to sit down with an instructor - who can sometimes be scary -for a couple of hours. Luckily, kids can now take math lessons online which are more fun and interactive with all the engaging tools that a web-based math tutor has at his disposal.

While math lessons online are primarily carried out through computer-mediated communications, the math tutor assigned to your kid is still a primary factor whether your child will get the most out of the sessions or not. As such, it is important for parents to know how to select the perfect tutor for their child and how to deal with the tutor as the program is ongoing.

How to Find the Best Online Math Tutor?

Not all math tutors are created equal. Additionally, not everyone who is good in math is fit for tutoring. There is a certain attitude and aptitude one-on-one tutors need to have. Here are a few of the criteria that you need to keep in mind when looking for a math tutor.

  • Good communication skills. Proficiency in numbers does not equate to good communication skills. Since online math tutorial sessions are conducted in a virtual environment, the tutor you should choose for your kid should have exceptional communications skills to bridge the physical gap between the tutor and your kid.
  • Sensitivity to student needs. The math tutor that you choose for your kid should be attentive enough to his student's needs. Most of the time, the primary obstacle that your kid faces are not their ability to learn math. It's their mental and emotional state during their math lessons online. Ask the math tutor you're considering about his experience with kids, how he deals with difficult situations and how he motivates his students.
  • Solid work ethic. In an ideal world, no tutor will be late, no tutor will slack off and no tutor will allow your child not to improve in math. However, there are a lot of math tutors out there whose work ethic is not really spotless. This is why it is very important for you to know how the math tutorial company screens its tutors and guarantee that it's aligned with your personal standards.

Dealing with Online Math Tutors

It's understandable that as busy parents, you don't have the time to touch base with your kid's tutor every day, but it is important to establish a schedule for regular updates.

Before your kid's math tutorial lesson even begin, let the assigned instructor know that he or she should get in touch with you either to report a milestone or to inform you of red flags. For example, if your kid has been failing his online geometry course several times already, you have to be informed. If during the course of the program your child opens up to his tutor about certain things affecting his studies such as bullying or problems at home, you should be informed. At the same time, if your child is doing really well in his math tutorial lessons, make sure that you are notified.

Ideally, you should have regular meetings with your kid's math tutor and he or she should proactively recommend the next steps for your child's one-on-one education. If you're allowed to send communications to your kid's tutor such as emails or text messages, make sure that you copy his or her supervisor so everything is official and documented.

Lastly, it is important you get your kid's feedback about his or her math tutor. This is not easy because many children would feel uncomfortable criticizing adults or authorities. You have to assure him that his or her math tutors cannot do anything to him or her because they are not interacting physically and that you are there to protect your kid.

Learning how to find a good math tutor for your kid and how to deal with him or her is important to guarantee that your child is getting the most out of your one-on-one education investment.

Author is an expert blogger and likes to share his knowledge with the students wishing to grasp skills through math tutor. He has written many informative posts suggesting the importance of home tutors London.