CCTV Installations in York

Author: Cctv Smart Systems

Should CCTV Be Installed in all Care Homes across York and the United Kingdom?Jayne Connery, 49, claims her mum, Helen, was ‘failed’ while at a care home in Gerrards Cross (Picture: Jayne Connery)

A petition launched to get CCTV installed in every dementia care home has almost reached 10,000 signatures.

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Jayne Connery, 49, a former Big Brother contestant, started the petition after witnessing ‘horrific failings’ at a failing care home where her own mother was staying.

In less than two months, the petition has reached 8,895 signatures and needs just over a thousand more to get the government to respond to it.

A petition to get CCTV installed in all care homes has reached nearly 10,000 (Picture: UK petitions)

The 49-year-old claims Buckingham House, in Gerrards Cross, which was rated inadequate in an inspection last year, ‘failed’ her 79-year-old mother Helen, who has vascular dementia, in the six months that she was a resident there.

She claims to have found dirty sheets left on her bed and that her mother was almost given two doses of medication in the same night.

After removing her mum from the home in January last year, she launched a Facebook campaign to get CCTV installed in every dementia care home.

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Helen remained at the Buckingham House (Picture: Jayne Connery)Jayne claims her mum couldn’t eat the care home food so she often had to buy her fish and chips (Picture: Jayne Connery)Buckingham House in Gerrards Cross has since been rated ‘Inadequate’ (Picture: mmcg carehomes)

She told ‘I set up the campaign because I saw many elderly people who had no family or visitors and I witnessed many failings against residents.

  • CCTV would be a safeguarding tool for vulnerable residents and care staff and my campaign is all communal areas, exits and entrances by law.

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(Picture: Getty)(Picture: Jayne Connery)
  • I have visited facilities that do have CCTV but I want it mandatory in all dementia care facilities so care service providers would not have a choice whether to have it or not.
  • We need to have CCTV placed in these dementia care homes and it needs to be overt cameras. Putting cameras in covertly causes the trust to break down and lose trust.
  • It’s not just Buckingham House. I don’t blame one career, they were brilliant. It is not about them, it is about managers putting money over care.
(Picture: Jayne Connery)

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Her mother, Helen, was placed in three different care homes but each ‘failed’ her in some way, Connery says.

  • The first care home a night carer admitted to slapping my mum after police interviewed her when my mum told me she had been attacked,’ she said.
  • The second care home I had worries about night care and so placed a covert camera in her room. Her career was not following what was in her care plan which could have had a detrimental affect on her health.
  • At the third care home, she was almost double dosed and I was forced to stop the nurse giving mum two lots of her medication in one evening. The home went into special measures not long after.’

At the moment, the government merely advises care homes to use CCTV if it’s deemed necessary.

In response to previous e-petitions, which run for six months, it said: ‘The Government does not object to the use of CCTV cameras in care homes on a case by case basis

  • Care homeowners should consult with and seek the consent of residents and their families to their use.’

Yet Connery argues that it is those care homes where neglect is rife that are the ones which would never choose to install CCTV cameras.

Which is why she is urging the government to make it law that they do.

Since the petition was launched, Connery said she’s had an ‘incredible’ amount of support, with businesses even offering to help promote the campaign through a free month advertising.

Vicky Craddock, operations director at MMCG, told Bucks Free Press: ‘We are aware of Mrs. Connery’s issues, concerns and the allegations that she has made.

  • They were investigated by us and by external agencies where appropriate. Also, the action was taken where necessary.’

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