Best Online Store for Car Wash Foam Cannon

Author: Carcare Cheap

A foam cannon is used to wash cars, which is available now in most of the tool stores. As a spray washer, foam cannon is gaining in popularity and become more affordable. People are looking to use them to improve their lives by making everyday tasks easier. A car wash foam cannon is an attachment for your pressure washer that contains a container for car soap. Attached to your washer, the soap in the container, combined with the high-pressure water coming from your washer, results in a thick layer of foamy soap covering your entire car. Most of the time it is compared to shaving cream in texture.

Why It Works

The advantage is that it actually sits in your car’s end, without running or dripping off, while the cleaning soap works to loosen dust and grime. the foam gives the cleaning soap’s surfactant more time to lessen friction and surface anxiety of the dust, water spots and other hassle spots, in addition to lubricating the floor for an easier washing revel in. after you’ve left it on for particular time, you may frequently simply spray it off and wash the dirt off with the froth, without ever having to the touch your car. Most cars will still require a bit of light washing with a soft cloth. An added benefit of car wash foam cannon is that the lubrication greatly reduces the chance of scratching the paint or creating swirls on the finish.

How to Use a Car Wash Foam Cannon

Hold the pressure washer wand about three or four feet from the surface, and activate the foam. This is especially beneficial on the non-horizontal parts of your car, such as undercarriage or fender wells, or even doors. Once the wait is over, remove the soap container and wipe off the surfaces and/or simply rinse the soap off.

Foam cannons come in a wide array of prices, but the build is pretty much the same for all makes. You may need to select an appropriate fitting to match your power washer to your foam cannon. If you are unaware or getting confused then consult your retailer for more information.

To find a foam cannon, check your local car parts shops, tool shops or mass merchants like Target, or conduct an online search for the wide variety of vendors who sell foam cannons. Or else come to online store of Car Care Cheap. Make washing your car faster, fun, and more effective with Car Care Cheap’s car wash foam canon. This hose-end sprayer attaches to a standard garden hose and allows you to deliver a luxurious foam bath to your vehicles finish using our super concentrated Car Shampoo.