These 8 Thai Food Facts Will Have You Want To Join A Thai Cooking School Soon!

Author: Jake Clark

Whenever there’s a mention of the Thai delicacies, does your mouth gets out of control. Well, Thai food is liked by people of almost all regions as it is popular for the flavors your taste buds can’t seem to resist once tried. With five fundamental flavors incorporated in all the dishes, Thailand proudly boasts of its rich cultural heritage through its scrumptious dishes that are simply unmatchable. But no matter how much knowledge you possess about the Thai food culture, it’s always good to add up something new to your learning everyday. Isn’t it? Here, we have rounded up the eight facts about Thai food you probably aren’t aware of. Take a look!

  1. The most common thing you would hear from Thai people is, “Gin Khao Yung” - if you’ve eaten yet. Thai natives are so much into food that they want others to find goodness in whatever they eat.
    • Pad Thai’ and ‘Tom Yum Goong’, stir-fried noodles and shrimp soup, are two very popular cuisines from Thailand that are found across the world.
  2. You can’t easily find baked food in Thailand. Thai culture lives mainly on fried and grilled meals.
  3. When in Thailand, you can’t enjoy your dish alone. Thai people consider it as a bad luck. Whatever you eat, whether in small portions or big, if you are sitting in a group, you have to share your dish with your mates.
  4. Thai people are in love with rice so much so that they use rice flour and coconut to prepare the unique desserts instead wheat flour, or cream.
  5. Not many of you would know but Thai food originated from China some 2,000 years ago.
  6. When it comes to the etiquette while eating, it’s amazing to know that Thai people use a fork to push the food into the spoon. They use chopsticks only for eating noodles.
  7. There is no such time fixed for eating breakfast, lunch or dinner in Thailand. The Thai natives eat whatever they want to whenever they wish.

That said, non-vegetarian delicacies made from pork, beef, bacon, fish, and turkey are famous in Thailand but the place is open to vegetarians too. Thai food is all about balance. The perfect blend of flavors with red chillies diffused into the dishes makes it difficult for a foodie to be impermeable to taste the mouth-watering recipes.

Should you want to cook yourself the delicious Thai cuisines, the Cooking School in Huntsville-Madison, AL is there to help you become a great Thai chef. These Cooking Classes are informative, fun-filled, and teach you how to make and enjoy the best Thai recipes while relaxing in your home.