AI Chat System | Virtual chat agent for Website | I-Talk

Author: Vijay Singh
The Internet is today’s market place, everybody is on the internetmarket place, everybody is on the internetand with currently 3,739,698,500 users across the globe active onlinetoday it means most of the population is your potential customer.So why limit your marketing strategies to only a few? With technologygrowing at light speed, your marketing techniques need an upgrade too.Hence, we at I-Brain robotics present you with "I-Talk". I-Talk is aone-of-a-kind virtual chat tech revolution brought to you by I-Brainrobotics. The Artificial intelligence software, developed withsophisticated programming to handle all of your marketing and salesneeds.The AI chat system is highly intelligent and meticulously coded AIsoftware, which works with your website to guide potential clients toyour products or services and provides them with all the informationthey might need. I-Talk has the ability to talk to customers who landon your website via. "AI speech". The software intelligently processesnecessary speech output pre-programmed and introduces potentialclients to your products. The program also has the ability to addresspeople by their names, and answer all their queries they might ask, italso has the ability to speak out your unique selling propositions anda technology that can grab any visitor’s attention.I talk is a program software and does not need any maintenance, weconfigure it for your website and you are all set. The I-Talk works24x7, tirelessly and always performing to the optimum level. Thesoftware is pre-programmed and always ready for the next client. Theapplication has an individual AI chat portal for every client, whichenables it to handle multiple clients at the same time. Hence,multiplying your sales potentials by innumerable times.I-Talk is a 100 times cheaper. We are not the ones who brag, here is how:The software starts at 52$ per month, that is nearly 5% to 10% of whatyou pay to an average marketing employee. Considered that I-Talk canlive chat and work round the clock, across the calendar. Helpingmultiple and uncountable clients at a time with virtual chat. Thismakes I-Talk a 100 times cheaper than a team of your average suit andtie sales employees.The I-Talk Promises you a 100% rise in your sales call,Again, to prove this: Your average marketing techniques will land youa lead to which you will spend time on e-mailing and confirming ameet. Later, explaining them your products and services leading to asuccessful deal. Agreed, the traditional methods do work. However,here is what we suggest. What if I-Talk could get their email andintroduce your potential clients to all your products and services inan interesting and efficient manner? Doing all this simultaneously,for multiple clients on online chat. Considering the number ofvisitors on your website daily, along with the amazing I-Talk onlinechat, your sales calls are sure to rise in a split second.I-Talk’s promise to increase customer satisfaction by 90%.I-Talk Artificial Intelligent Chat agent is the best live chat onlinetool pre-programmed and pre-configured to present and support everyclient in the best possible way. Integrated artificial intelligenceallows I-Talk to self-develop code and create scripts, performingfunctions useful for assessing the next client. I-Talk speaks clearly,efficiently and assesses the queries of the client directly. Thereby,leaving extremely low possibilities of customer dissatisfaction.The website chat marketing can be customized to your preferences anddesired goals. The program is made so that every small correction andupgrade should be done with ease and perfection. The first run of theprogram would require personalized input if any, and goals desired forthe program to work at its optimum efficiency and deliver the bestresults for your business.This was a peek at what I-Brain’s "I-Talk" can do. To get a morehands-on experience, I-Brain offers you a 15-day free trial of theI-Talk. Grab the opportunity now and see the wonderful results today!The I-Talk is developed for the best results and value-for-money.Hence, we provide you with the Economy Package, starting at just $52per month. It gives you all of the I-Talk basics along withPresentation support! The Enterprise Package, starting at $106 permonth is adapted for all organizations. This is where you get theentire I-Talk suite with personal projects manager. The AssociatePackage starting at $205 per month is our top-of-the line roll out.With custom projects, multi-lingual virtual assistance, on-premisesimplementation and advanced support service.Get your business the best virtual marketing agent today. I-Talk