Asbestos Removal: Dangers May Lurk in Your Insulation

Author: Canada’s Restoration Services

People who live in or are considering buying homes that were built prior to the 1980s may want to think seriously about calling in a specialist to perform a free asbestos inspection. Unless an inspection has been performed in the past and the home has been cleared, there is a reasonably good chance danger lurks in the insulation. An asbestos removal Toronto specialist can help.

Asbestos is a silicate mineral that was commonly used in a diversity of building materials prior to the 1980s. The fibers were woven into fabrics, used in insulation and other materials because of the unique properties the material boasts. Asbestos was favoured because of its exceptional fire-resistant properties, which seemingly made it a fantastic choice for safeguarding people and properties.

Unfortunately, what people didn’t know prior to the 80s is that asbestos also happens to be quite dangerous. When its tiny fibers are released into the air, people can breathe them in. If this occurs, asbestos fibers will become trapped in the lungs, potentially causing damage, including permanent scarring. The mineral has been linked to serious health concerns, including the potentially deadly mesothelioma. It is not possible to remove asbestos from the lungs once the fibers have become trapped.

In many older homes, insulation called vermiculite may still exist in attics, walls and around pipes and air ducts. A company that specialises asbestos removal in Toronto will be able to provide a free inspection to determine if that is the case. Should asbestos-containing materials be found in the home, the service provider will make recommendations for mitigating the problem. Asbestos removal, Toronto property owners will find, should be left to the professionals. Special equipment and gear is required to ensure safe removal and to protect people from asbestos exposure. Cross-contamination is a very real possibility if proper precautions and protocols are not followed during asbestos removal.

Older homes are adored for their construction quality and character. In some cases, however, danger may lurk hidden behind walls, in attics and in other locations. Calling on an asbestos removal Toronto service provider for a free inspection can provide peace of mind. If the material is found, proper removal can result in the full restoration of the property and the safety of those who call it home.

About the Company

Canada’s Restoration Service is a leading provider of asbestos removal in Toronto. The certified company takes great pride in helping homeowners rid their properties of this potentially life-threatening hazard.