Facts about plastic based bags
Plastic industry and its latest updates can be seen over the internet just in a set of clicks. The life of the common man is highly dependable on both of these two. The industry is doing very greatly and generating huge revenues every year. A large number of people are getting employed in manufacturing plants as the production rate is turning high. The only major problem faced with plastic, and its products is their non-degradable nature that causes environment issues and affects mankind. Do you know the name of countries where plastic bags are banned? You can get Plastic Industry News through the internet from the comfort of your home.
You will not be shocked to know that 65 per cent of Americans are reusing their polythene bags. These are fully recyclable and can be used to produce new equipments. If you are concerned about their value and use, then you must know the following information.
Do you know plastic bags are made of what? These bags are usually made of polythene, which is petroleum or natural gas based product. Petroleum and natural gas are fossil fuels which are being quickly exhausted. Now you might have gotten some faded picture about why these bags are being depleted.
Most plastic bags are not biodegradable, and even those that are called as being biodegradable can take up to 200 years to break down completely. Simply put, a single bag takes long years to degrade. Let’s talk about its use in America where about 89 billion plastic bags are used each year. According to the EPA report, only 13% of them are actually recycled. Now can you think of where the rest percentage goes to? The wastage is spoiling the environment and scattering killing diseases in people. Is the recycling a sole solution?
Up to a greater extent, recycling is the key solution to take control over excessive waste.
What are the other ways that you can easily do?
Reduce your consumption or daily habits by declining a bag when your purchase doesn't really require one, for example do not prefer to take poly bag when you are purchasing a single bottle. Try to reuse them again and again for the purpose of shopping, till the time it is no more able to carry stuff. One can also prefer to buy tote bags because they can be used more than a single time. Even they are easy to maintain too.
Recycle your bags by yourself. Do not get puzzled because it is very simple. You would be glad to know that most major retailers are now offering vessels at their stores which are receptacles, making recycling an easy choice for customers. This is the way through which you can also recycle wraps, milk bags, dry cleaning bags, sealable food storage bags, and cereal bags. If it is not soiled with food or other contaminating residue, and it's not a compostable bag, it can be recycled or put under the use. Try to take maximum use of it.
Last but the least factor is keeping you updated with the plastic industry news. This is the great way to know about the happenings in the industry. Internet is the wonderful resource from where you can search and download necessary information with lots of ease. You should navigate through the portals that provide the latest information and true figures. The information uploaded at these websites can be of great help for you. This industry has a bright future ahead it can help people get employment as well. You must go online to see if there is something of high value for you.